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A simple CLI to generate car file and compute commp at the same time.

Pull Request


$ git clone
$ cd generate-car
$ make build


$ ./generate-car -h
   generate-car - generate car archive from list of files and compute commp in the mean time

   generate-car [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --single                      When enabled, it indicates that the input is a single file or folder to be included in full, instead of a spec JSON (default: false)
   --input value, -i value       When --single is specified, this is the file or folder to be included in full. Otherwise this is a JSON file containing the list of files to be included in the car archive (default: "-")
   --piece-size value, -s value  Target piece size, default to minimum possible value (default: 0)
   --out-dir value, -o value     Output directory to save the car file (default: ".")
   --tmp-dir value, -t value     Optionally copy the files to a temporary (and much faster) directory
   --parent value, -p value      Parent path of the dataset
   --help, -h                    show help (default: false)

When --single is specified, the input is a single file or folder to be included in full, instead of a spec JSON.

# Generate car file from a single file
$ generate-car --single -i test_path/test_file. -o out_dir -p test_path
# Generate car file from a single folder
$ generate-car --single -i test_path/test_folder -o out_dir -p test_path

For advanced user, without specifying --single the input file needs to be a json file that contains a list of file information SORTED by the path. This is useful if you only want to include specific files within a directory or only part of a large file. i.e.

    "Path": "test/test.txt",
    "Size": 4038,
    "Start": 1000, # Inclusive
    "End": 2000 # Exclusive
    "Path": "test/test2.txt",
    "Size": 3089

The output JSON dump contains DataCid, PieceCid and PieceSize which can be used to make a deal with Filecoin storage providers.

All files are read twice hence if the dataset source is on slow storage such as NFS or S3FS/Goofys mount, you may use tmpdir to copy the files to a fast local directory first.

Generate IPLD Car

$ ./generate-ipld-car -h
   generate-ipld-car - generate ipld car archive from list of files and compute commp in the mean time. The generated car file only contains the file and folder information, not the actual data.

   generate-ipld-car [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --input value, -i value       This is a ndjson file containing the list of files to be included in the car archive. If not specified, use stdin instead. (default: "-")
   --piece-size value, -s value  Target piece size, default to minimum possible value (default: 0)
   --out-dir value, -o value     Output directory to save the car file (default: ".")
   --help, -h                    show help

The input file needs to be a ndjson file that contains a list of file information. The list should be sorted.

# Path needs to be relative

If a file is split into multiple parts, they can be stitched together by using the same Path and proper Start and End values.

If the Start and End value of those parts are not aligned, the file stitched may be corrupted.