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a4d69e3 · Nov 17, 2022




Project Overview

In this project, we'll build a translation API using deep learning. Using FastAPI, we'll create a web server that exposes a /translate route and a /results route. Clients will post their translation request to the /translate route, and get the translation results from /results. The server will use a sqlite database to store the translations. On the backend, we'll use async and a pretrained deep learning language model to run the translation job.

By the end, we'll have a web server that can run translation jobs quickly. This server can easily be extended to translate more languages, or add more options.

Project Steps

  • Build API routes
  • Add in models to store data to database
  • Create tasks to run the translation


You can find the code for this project here

File overview:

  • requirements.txt - packages you'll need to install
  • languages.txt - list of languages that are supported for translation
  • - defines the web server routes
  • - defines database models
  • - runs our backend tasks, including the translation


To complete this project, you'll need to have a good understanding of:

  • Python syntax, including functions, if statements, and data structures
  • Data cleaning
  • Pandas syntax
  • Using Jupyter notebook
  • APIs
  • The basics of machine learning.

Please make sure you've completed these Dataquest courses (or know the material) before trying this project:

Local Setup


To follow this project, please install the following locally:

  • Python 3.8+
  • The packages defined in requirements.txt
  • It's recommended to install PyCharm or VSCode.


To run the server locally, run uvicorn main:app --reload.


During this project, we'll download a pretrained language model.


Deploy with Docker

One strategy is to deploy to the cloud using Docker. To do this, we first need to build a Docker image. Then we can deploy the image to the cloud.

Docker image

To build and test a Docker image, run:

  • docker build -t dlapi . to build the container.
    • If you're not running on 64-bit linux, instead run docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t dlapi .. This will build the image using the correct architecture for Azure.
  • docker run -d --name dlapi -p 80:80 dlapi to run the container.
  • docker ps to view the container information.
  • Run docker logs to see logs from the container. You should see Uvicorn running on If you don't see this, wait a bit and try running docker logs again.
  • Visit or localhost to see the API server. Visit localhost/docs to see API docs.
  • Run docker stop dlapi to stop the container.

Azure setup

  • Create an Azure account. You can create one here.
  • Create an Azure subscription if you don't have one. You can sign up for the free tier.
  • Install the Azure CLI.
  • Run NAME="<name-here>" to set the name for your resource group. Replace <name-here> with the name you want.
  • Create a resource group with az group create --location eastus --name $NAME

Push image to Azure

  • Create a container registry with az acr create --resource-group $NAME --name $NAME --sku Basic
  • Note the loginServer in the response.
  • Login to the registry with az acr login --resource-group $NAME --name $NAME
  • Run docker tag dlapi $ Replace $ with your container registry login url.
  • Push the image to the registry with docker push $

Run container on Azure

  • Run docker login azure to log Docker into Azure.
  • Create an aci context with docker context create aci azure. Select the resource group to use with your context.
  • Run docker context ls to view your contexts.
  • Switch context with docker context use azure
  • Run the container with docker run --name dlapi -p 80:80 -m 1.5G $
  • Run docker ps to get the URL of the container. You should be able to visit the URL shown to use the API.

Remove container

  • Run docker stop dlapi
  • Run docker rm dlapi
  • Delete the resource group with az group delete --name $NAME --no-wait

Deploy with Azure App Service

Another strategy is to deploy with Azure App Service.

Deploy App

  • Create an Azure account.
  • Create an Azure subscription if you don't have one. You can sign up for the free tier.
  • Install the Azure CLI.
  • Login to Azure with az login.
  • NAME="dlapi"
  • Create a resource group with az group create --location eastus --name $NAME
  • Create a plan with az appservice plan create --name $NAME --resource-group $NAME --sku B2
  • Create app with az webapp create --name $NAME --resource-group $NAME --plan $NAME --runtime PYTHON:3.9
  • az webapp up --runtime PYTHON:3.9 --sku B2 --logs
  • Get the resource group name and the app name from the log output.
  • az webapp config appsettings set --resource-group $NAME --name $NAME --settings SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT=true POST_BUILD_COMMAND="" WEBSITE_MEMORY_LIMIT_MB=3500
  • az webapp config set --resource-group $NAME --name $NAME --startup-file ""
  • zip -r . -x translations.db __pycache__/*
  • az webapp deploy --resource-group $NAME --name $NAME --src-path
  • az webapp restart --resource-group $NAME --name $NAME

Manage App

  • View the app using the URL from the logs.
  • Delete the app with az group delete --name $NAME --no-wait