This is a SQLTools plugin to integrate with Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute. Providing for running MaxCompute SQL and getting results, SQL formatting, generating SQL statements and SQL completion.
This plugin is only for connection testing and local resources management and does not support MaxCompute schema features (by now), please use below products for development and production.
Big data development, recommend to use DataWorks Data IDE instead.
Data API development, recommend to use DataWorks Data API instead.
Data Analytics development, recommend to use DataWorks Data Analytics instead.
Managing projects, recommend to use MaxCompute Console instead.
Getting your MaxCompute accessId and accessKey from Aliyun Console
Prepare a MaxCompute environment, goto MaxCompute Console and apply projects.
Install the SQLTools plugin
Install the SQLTools MaxCompute Driver plugin
Open the SQLTools plugin and create a new connection, input your accessId, accessKey, MaxCompute project and endpoint (the endpoint depends on your MaxCompute regions, for example:
- Run SQL and get results
- Support auto table and column names SQL completion.
- Support generate SQL insert statements.
- Support SQL format.