An extensible and high-performance data processing engine.
NOTE: Beginning with DataCleaner 4.0 we have decided to discontinue AnalyzerBeans as a separate project. We have incorporated AnalyzerBeans as the engine of DataCleaner and decided to keep the merge the two.
Please visit DataCleaner here:
Modules are:
- api - the API for AnalyzerBeans; contains interfaces and annotations to build processing components
- core - the main processing engine implementation
- testware - various utilities useful for testing
- components - contains several submodules for concrete components that can be used in AnalyzerBeans. Some notable submodules are:
- basic-transformers
- basic-filters
- basic-analyzers
- html-rendering - framework for rendering analysis results as HTML fragments and pages
- writers - components for inserting and updating data in target datastores
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- env - contains submodules for various environment configurations. Some notable submodules are:
- cluster - framework for clustering AnalyzerBeans jobs
- xml-config - reader and writers for jobs and configuration objects to and from XML files (conf.xml and .analysis.xml job files)
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- cli - a command-line interface which can be used to execute AnalyzerBeans jobs
There's a public build of AnalyzerBeans that can be found on Travis CI:
Licensed under the Lesser General Public License, see