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feat: Implement TSQL specific function call mapper
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  - Implements the mapper and tests for transformation rules on TSQL specific

TODO: Manually test translations in Databricks workspace
  • Loading branch information
jimidle committed Aug 2, 2024
1 parent fed469e commit c919c2c
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Expand Up @@ -39,11 +39,28 @@ class ExpressionGenerator(val callMapper: ir.CallMapper = new ir.CallMapper())
case ua: ir.UpdateAction => updateAction(ctx, ua)
case a: ir.Assign => assign(ctx, a)
case opts: ir.Options => options(ctx, opts)
case i: ir.KnownInterval => interval(ctx, i)

case x => throw TranspileException(s"Unsupported expression: $x")

private def interval(ctx: GeneratorContext, interval: ir.KnownInterval): String = {
val iType = interval.iType match {
case ir.DAY_INTERVAL => "DAY"
s"INTERVAL ${generate(ctx, interval.value)} ${iType}"

private def options(ctx: GeneratorContext, opts: ir.Options): String = {
// First gather the options that are set by expressions
val exprOptions = { case (key, expression) =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,6 +171,9 @@ class ExpressionGenerator(val callMapper: ir.CallMapper = new ir.CallMapper())
call match {
case r: RLike => rlike(ctx, r)
case fn: ir.Fn => s"${fn.prettyName}(${, _)).mkString(", ")})"

// Certain functions can be translated to SQL functions directly
case e: ir.Expression => expression(ctx, e)
case _ => throw TranspileException("not implemented")

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Expand Up @@ -195,3 +195,26 @@ case class WithOptions(input: LogicalPlan, options: Expression) extends UnaryNod
override def child: LogicalPlan = input
override def output: Seq[Attribute] = input.output

// Though at least TSQL only needs the time based intervals, we are including all the interval types
// supported by Spark SQL for completeness and future proofing
sealed trait KnownIntervalType
case object NANOSECOND_INTERVAL extends KnownIntervalType
case object MICROSECOND_INTERVAL extends KnownIntervalType
case object MILLISECOND_INTERVAL extends KnownIntervalType
case object SECOND_INTERVAL extends KnownIntervalType
case object MINUTE_INTERVAL extends KnownIntervalType
case object HOUR_INTERVAL extends KnownIntervalType
case object DAY_INTERVAL extends KnownIntervalType
case object WEEK_INTERVAL extends KnownIntervalType
case object MONTH_INTERVAL extends KnownIntervalType
case object YEAR_INTERVAL extends KnownIntervalType

// TSQL - For translation purposes, we cannot use teh standard Catalyst CalendarInterval as it is not
// meant for code generation and converts everything to microseconds. It is much easier to use an extension
// to the AST to represent the interval as it is required in TSQL, where we need to know if we were dealing with
// MONTHS, HOURS, etc.
case class KnownInterval(value: Expression, iType: KnownIntervalType) extends Expression {
override def children: Seq[Expression] = Seq(value)
override def dataType: DataType = UnresolvedType
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package com.databricks.labs.remorph.parsers.tsql.rules

import com.databricks.labs.remorph.parsers.intermediate._

class TSqlCallMapper extends CallMapper {

override def convert(call: Fn): Expression = {
call match {
case CallFunction("DATEADD", args) =>
case x: CallFunction => super.convert(x)

private def processDateAdd(args: Seq[Expression]): Expression = {

// The first argument of the TSQL DATEADD function is the interval type, which is one of way too
// many strings and aliases for "day", "month", "year", etc. We need to extract this string and
// perform the translation based on what we get
val interval = args.head match {
case Column(_, id) =>
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("DATEADD interval type is not valid. Should be 'day', 'month', 'year', etc.")

// The value is how many units, type indicated by interval, to add to the date
val value = args(1)

// And this is the thing we are going to add the value to
val objectReference = args(2)

// The interval type names are all over the place in TSQL, some of them having names that
// belie their actual function.
interval match {

// Days are all that Spark DATE_ADD operates on, but the arguments are transposed from TSQL
// despite the fact that 'dayofyear' implies the number of the day in the year, it is in fact the
// same as day, as is `weekday`
case "day" | "dayofyear" | "dd" | "d" | "dy" | "y" | "weekday" | "dw" | "w" =>
DateAdd(objectReference, value)

// Months are handled by the MonthAdd function, with arguments transposed from TSQL
case "month" | "mm" | "m" => AddMonths(objectReference, value)

// There is no equivalent to quarter in Spark, so we have to use the MonthAdd function and multiply by 3
case "quarter" | "qq" | "q" => AddMonths(objectReference, Multiply(value, Literal(3)))

// There is no equivalent to year in Spark SQL, but we use months and multiply by 12
case "year" | "yyyy" | "yy" => AddMonths(objectReference, Multiply(value, Literal(12)))

// Weeks are not supported in Spark SQL, but we can multiply by 7 to get the same effect with DATE_ADD
case "week" | "wk" | "ww" => DateAdd(objectReference, Multiply(value, Literal(7)))

// Hours are not supported in Spark SQL, but we can use the number of hours to create an INTERVAL
// and add it to the object reference
case "hour" | "hh" => Add(objectReference, KnownInterval(value, HOUR_INTERVAL))

// Minutes are not supported in Spark SQL, but we can use the number of minutes to create an INTERVAL
// and add it to the object reference
case "minute" | "mi" | "n" => Add(objectReference, KnownInterval(value, MINUTE_INTERVAL))

// Seconds are not supported in Spark SQL, but we can use the number of seconds to create an INTERVAL
// and add it to the object reference
case "second" | "ss" | "s" => Add(objectReference, KnownInterval(value, SECOND_INTERVAL))

// Milliseconds are not supported in Spark SQL, but we can use the number of milliseconds to create an INTERVAL
// and add it to the object reference
case "millisecond" | "ms" => Add(objectReference, KnownInterval(value, MILLISECOND_INTERVAL))

// Microseconds are not supported in Spark SQL, but we can use the number of microseconds to create an INTERVAL
// and add it to the object reference
case "microsecond" | "mcs" => Add(objectReference, KnownInterval(value, MICROSECOND_INTERVAL))

// Nanoseconds are not supported in Spark SQL, but we can use the number of nanoseconds to create an INTERVAL
// and add it to the object reference
case "nanosecond" | "ns" => Add(objectReference, KnownInterval(value, NANOSECOND_INTERVAL))

case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"DATEADD interval type '${interval}' is not valid. Should be 'day', 'month', 'year', etc.")
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Expand Up @@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ package com.databricks.labs.remorph.transpilers

import com.databricks.labs.remorph.generators.GeneratorContext
import com.databricks.labs.remorph.generators.sql.{ExpressionGenerator, LogicalPlanGenerator}
import com.databricks.labs.remorph.parsers.tsql.rules.{PullLimitUpwards, TopPercentToLimitSubquery, TrapInsertDefaultsAction}
import com.databricks.labs.remorph.parsers.tsql.rules.{PullLimitUpwards, TSqlCallMapper, TopPercentToLimitSubquery, TrapInsertDefaultsAction}
import com.databricks.labs.remorph.parsers.tsql.{TSqlAstBuilder, TSqlErrorStrategy, TSqlLexer, TSqlParser}
import com.databricks.labs.remorph.parsers.{ProductionErrorCollector, intermediate => ir}
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.{CharStreams, CommonTokenStream}

class TSqlToDatabricksTranspiler extends BaseTranspiler {
private val astBuilder = new TSqlAstBuilder()
private val optimizer = ir.Rules(PullLimitUpwards, new TopPercentToLimitSubquery, TrapInsertDefaultsAction)
private val generator = new LogicalPlanGenerator(new ExpressionGenerator())
private val generator = new LogicalPlanGenerator(new ExpressionGenerator(new TSqlCallMapper()))

override def parse(input: String): ir.LogicalPlan = {
val inputString = CharStreams.fromString(input)
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
package com.databricks.labs.remorph.parsers.tsql

import com.databricks.labs.remorph.generators.sql.{ExpressionGenerator, GeneratorTestCommon}
import com.databricks.labs.remorph.parsers.intermediate.IRHelpers
import com.databricks.labs.remorph.parsers.tsql.rules.TSqlCallMapper
import com.databricks.labs.remorph.parsers.{intermediate => ir}
import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar

// Only add tests here that require the TSqlCallMapper, or in the future any other transformer/rule
// that is specific to T-SQL. Otherwise they belong in ExpressionGeneratorTest.

class TSqlExpressionGeneratorTest
extends AnyWordSpec
with GeneratorTestCommon[ir.Expression]
with MockitoSugar
with IRHelpers {

override protected val generator = new ExpressionGenerator(new TSqlCallMapper)

"DATEADD" should {
"transpile to DATE_ADD" in {
Seq(simplyNamedColumn("day"), ir.Literal(42.toShort), simplyNamedColumn("col1"))) generates "DATE_ADD(col1, 42)"

simplyNamedColumn("col1"))) generates "DATE_ADD(col1, 42 * 7)"

"transpile to ADD_MONTHS" in {
simplyNamedColumn("col1"))) generates "ADD_MONTHS(col1, 42)"

simplyNamedColumn("col1"))) generates "ADD_MONTHS(col1, 42 * 3)"

"transpile to INTERVAL" in {
simplyNamedColumn("col1"))) generates "col1 + INTERVAL 42 HOUR"

simplyNamedColumn("col1"))) generates "col1 + INTERVAL 42 MINUTE"

simplyNamedColumn("col1"))) generates "col1 + INTERVAL 42 SECOND"

simplyNamedColumn("col1"))) generates "col1 + INTERVAL 42 MILLISECOND"

simplyNamedColumn("col1"))) generates "col1 + INTERVAL 42 MICROSECOND"

simplyNamedColumn("col1"))) generates "col1 + INTERVAL 42 NANOSECOND"

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Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
SELECT DATEADD(hour, 7, col1) AS add_hours_col1 FROM tabl;

-- databricks sql:
SELECT (col1 + INTERVAL 7 HOUR) AS add_hours_col1 FROM tabl;
SELECT col1 + INTERVAL 7 HOUR AS add_hours_col1 FROM tabl;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
SELECT DATEADD(hh, 7, col1) AS add_hours_col1 FROM tabl;

-- databricks sql:
SELECT (col1 + INTERVAL 7 HOUR) AS add_hours_col1 FROM tabl;
SELECT col1 + INTERVAL 7 HOUR AS add_hours_col1 FROM tabl;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
SELECT DATEADD(MICROSECOND, 7, col1) AS add_microsecond_col1 FROM tabl;

-- databricks sql:
SELECT (col1 + INTERVAL 7 MICROSECOND) AS add_microsecond_col1 FROM tabl;
SELECT col1 + INTERVAL 7 MICROSECOND AS add_microsecond_col1 FROM tabl;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
SELECT DATEADD(mcs, 7, col1) AS add_microsecond_col1 FROM tabl;

-- databricks sql:
SELECT (col1 + INTERVAL 7 MICROSECOND) AS add_microsecond_col1 FROM tabl;
SELECT col1 + INTERVAL 7 MICROSECOND) AS add_microsecond_col1 FROM tabl;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
SELECT DATEADD(millisecond, 7, col1) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;

-- databricks sql:
SELECT (col1 + INTERVAL 7 MILLISECOND) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;
SELECT col1 + INTERVAL 7 MILLISECOND) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
SELECT DATEADD(ms, 7, col1) AS add_milliseconds_col1 FROM tabl;

-- databricks sql:
SELECT (col1 + INTERVAL 7 MILLISECOND) AS add_milliseconds_col1 FROM tabl;
SELECT col1 + INTERVAL 7 MILLISECOND) AS add_milliseconds_col1 FROM tabl;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
SELECT DATEADD(minute, 7, col1) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;

-- databricks sql:
SELECT (col1 + INTERVAL 7 MINUTE) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;
SELECT col1 + INTERVAL 7 MINUTE AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
SELECT DATEADD(mi, 7, col1) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;

-- databricks sql:
SELECT (col1 + INTERVAL 7 MINUTE) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;
SELECT col1 + INTERVAL 7 MINUTE) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
SELECT DATEADD(n, 7, col1) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;

-- databricks sql:
SELECT (col1 + INTERVAL 7 MINUTE) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;
SELECT col1 + INTERVAL 7 MINUTE) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
SELECT DATEADD(NANOSECOND, 7, col1) AS add_nanoseconds_col1 FROM tabl;

-- databricks sql:
SELECT (col1 + INTERVAL 7 NANOSECOND) AS add_nanoseconds_col1 FROM tabl;
SELECT col1 + INTERVAL 7 NANOSECOND) AS add_nanoseconds_col1 FROM tabl;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
SELECT DATEADD(NS, 7, col1) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;

-- databricks sql:
SELECT (col1 + INTERVAL 7 NANOSECOND) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;
SELECT col1 + INTERVAL 7 NANOSECOND) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
SELECT DATEADD(second, 7, col1) AS add_seconds_col1 FROM tabl;

-- databricks sql:
SELECT (col1 + INTERVAL 7 SECOND) AS add_seconds_col1 FROM tabl;
SELECT col1 + INTERVAL 7 SECOND) AS add_seconds_col1 FROM tabl;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
SELECT DATEADD(ss, 7, col1) AS add_seconds_col1 FROM tabl;

-- databricks sql:
SELECT (col1 + INTERVAL 7 SECOND) AS add_seconds_col1 FROM tabl;
SELECT col1 + INTERVAL 7 SECOND) AS add_seconds_col1 FROM tabl;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
SELECT DATEADD(s, 7, col1) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;

-- databricks sql:
SELECT (col1 + INTERVAL 7 SECOND) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;
SELECT col1 + INTERVAL 7 SECOND) AS add_minutes_col1 FROM tabl;

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