The world's simplest facial recognition api for .NET
This repository is porting by C#.
This package supports cross platform, Windows, Linux and MacOSX!!
The above landmark is generated by Helen dataset. Please check and create model file by examples/HelenTraining. I will NOT provide pretrained model file.
License: The MIT License
Author: Adam Geitgey
Principal Use: The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line. Main goal of FaceRecognitionDotNet is what ports face_recognition by C#.
License: Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal License
Author: Adam Geitgey
Principal Use: Trained models for the face_recognition python library
License: Boost Software License
Author: Davis E. King
Principal Use: A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications in C++.
License: The MIT License
Author: Takuya Takeuchi
Principal Use: Use dlib interface via .NET. This library is developed by this owner.
License: The BSD 3-Clause License
Author: shimat
Principal Use: Loading image data by opencv wrapper for example