This is the successor of my previous project Dart-O-Mat 3000. I chost to rewrite it using go as a backend language and svelte as a frontend framework. Also I spiced it up a little and did a full redesign. It is now called DaSCR - Board
and will be one of three projects within the DaSCR range
It will handle darts games and keep the score. That's its basic function. Detailed documentation will follow.
A detailed documentation on how to set that up and use it you can find at
If you like this project and want to leave me a cup of coffee or an icecold German beer:
DaSCR - Board should work for multiple operating systems. I develop and test on linux but it should basically compile on any os gcc
and go
is running on.
You will need to create a .env file each in the root directory and in the frontend directory if you plan to use the Makefile as described below.
For the start it is enough to just create them as empty file from the root directory of the project like:
touch .env
touch frontend/.env
You need go and gcc as mentioned and you are better off installing git
as well. Then do:
git clone
cd dascr-board
Before building the frontend you will need to provide a file called .env
in folder ./frontend/
as this will be integrated while building.
.env in frontend folder
This file will tell the frontend where to look for the backend api. Remember you need to provide this information at build time. So if the location of the backend changes (another ip or url) you need to rebuild the app.
To build the frontend you will also need node
and yarn
(you could use npm, but Makefile is designed to use yarn, as I am using it).
Please be advised your yarn version should be something like: 1.22.10
not 0.32+git
which the Raspberry PI will install from the repositories. Better use this tutorial to install yarn (applicable for Debian):
Then you do:
make build-frontend
This should result in ./frontend/public/
having a build folder. You are now ready to serve the frontend from public folder via a webserver or run make run-dev-frontend
for running it via the development server.
I have the following build targets:
- build-linux_64
- build-linux_386
- build-mac
- build-armv5
- build-armv6
- build-armv7
- build-armv8_64
So in my arch linux Installation I do:
make build-linux_x64
This will result in a file ./dist/linux_amd64/dascr-board
In Windows you can also build this project. I tested it using MSYS2. After installing this I followed this instructions to setup my MSYS2 environment.
After setting up accordingly you can build like (from root directory of project within MSYS2 cli):
go mod download
go generate
go build -o dist/windows_amd64/dascr-board.exe
You will also need to provide at least two environment variables to run the app. Those are API_IP
. The app will use these to setup the server.
In Linux you can run the app like so:
API_IP= API_PORT=8000 ./dascr-board
There is also the env variable DEBUG=TRUE
if you want to see more logging output.
I did not find a way yet to run an App with custom env variables in Windows, yet.
When providing an .env file, both in root directory and in frontend directory you can run those from Makefile with. The .env file in the root directory for example might look like this:
Then you can run the development server like this from two seperate terminals
make run-dev-backend
make run-dev-frontend
You will need to restart the backend service if you change something in the go code.
You can build and run the two services with docker, too. I provided a Dockerfile each.
So in root you can run docker build . -t dascr-board-backend
and in the folder frontend you can run docker build . -t dascr-board-frontend
to build those two services.
To make this easy for you I also designed a docker-compose file. You can run all of this by doing:
docker network create dascr
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up
After a successful startup you can access the web ui at port 8080
. CAUTION: The Scoreboard will only be functional from this one host it is running on.
By default the procedure above will build the docker image in a way where the scoreboard will only work on the system it was built on. If you need to separate the "viewing client" from the client running the scoreboard, you will need to use the Makefile to build and first run the docker image.
Step 1 will be to create a file called .env
in the folder frontend
as described above at "Building the frontend" and fill in the corresponding ip address of the host running the scoreboard. Then you issue make run-docker
for the customization to be applied at build time.
It should run the Scoreboard on port 8080
on that ip you chose and also it should be reachable and functional from within your network.
For the second startup docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up
should be enough.
If you do not want to build the docker images yourself this repository also has the latest version as an Release Package. I provide the file docker-compose-repo.yml
for easy running as well.
docker network create dascr
docker-compose -f docker-compose-repo.yml up
After a successful startup you can access the web ui at port 8080
. CAUTION: This build will only work for running and viewing the Scoreboard from one and the same host. If you need to access the scoreboard from another host in the network, you will need to run the procedure described above.
When running you need to navigate your browser to http://ip:port
of the frontend. Basically everything there is explained in detail. But in short you need to create player and then you need two browser windows. One is pointing at http://ip:port/<gameid>/start
. There the scoreboard will be shown after starting a game. To start a game and input data you point your browser to http://ip:port/<gameid>/game
As of covid-19 I use my scoreboard to host a remote game once a week and therefore deployed it to my hosting server. This is the way I did it.
I used caddy server v2 to host the frontend. Also I used a systemd service file to run the backend service in the background.
/etc/caddy/Caddyfile {
root * /var/www/dascr
encode gzip
handle /api/* {
reverse_proxy localhost:8000
handle /images/* {
reverse_proxy localhost:8000
handle /uploads/* {
reverse_proxy localhost:8000
handle /ws/* {
reverse_proxy localhost:8000
handle {
try_files {path} {file} /index.html
header {
# enable HSTS
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000;
# disable clients from sniffing the media type
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
# clickjacking protection
X-Frame-Options DENY
# keep referrer data off of HTTP connections
Referrer-Policy no-referrer-when-downgrade
log {
output file /var/log/caddy/ {
roll_size 1gb
roll_keep 5
roll_keep_for 720h
in this case points to ./frontend/public
of the project folder after building it.
Description=DaSCR Board - Backend API
is the executable resulting from make
found in ./dist
When building my frontend I made sure to have my .env to point to my domain instead of a local ip address. This way the clients browser later knows where to fetch the data from API:
.env in frontend folder
Also make sure to choose the right protocol here. Caddy server automatically uses https and therefore also wss is used instead of ws.
The API has a few endpoints.
[*] Starting Backend Development
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] All routes are
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] GET /api/
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] GET /api/debug/{id}/redirect
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] GET /api/debug/{id}/update
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] GET /api/game/
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] GET /api/game/{id}
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] POST /api/game/{id}
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] DELETE /api/game/{id}
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] GET /api/game/{id}/display
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] POST /api/game/{id}/nextPlayer
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] POST /api/game/{id}/rematch
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] POST /api/game/{id}/throw/{number}/{modifier}
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] POST /api/game/{id}/undo
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] POST /api/player/
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] GET /api/player/
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] GET /api/player/{id}
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] PATCH /api/player/{id}
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] DELETE /api/player/{id}
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] POST /api/player/{id}/image
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] HEAD /images/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] PUT /images/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] POST /images/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] CONNECT /images/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] TRACE /images/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] PATCH /images/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] GET /images/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] DELETE /images/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] OPTIONS /images/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] PATCH /uploads/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] PUT /uploads/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] CONNECT /uploads/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] HEAD /uploads/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] GET /uploads/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] TRACE /uploads/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] OPTIONS /uploads/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] DELETE /uploads/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] POST /uploads/*
DEBUG [2021-01-18 11:16:19] GET /ws/{id}
INFO [2021-01-18 11:16:19] Starting API at:
Those are basically all endpoints (you can read them when starting with DEBUG=TRUE in the console). The most important ones are POST /api/game/{id}/nextPlayer
and POST /api/game/{id}/throw/{number}/{modifier}
. Those are the endpoints a recognition software should send to (and will after finishing dascr-machine and dascr-cam).
Here are a few screenshots of the games and the UI.
Player Setup
Start Page
Game Setup
Right now I am missing a few things I planned on.
- More games (Highscore)
Sound effects obtained from