The framework is a tool for comparing different multi-segment robot designs based on their segment joint locations and their capability to mimic a specific fish species. The framework analyses steady swimming fish data and output robot controller parameters resembling fish movement to aid in the study of different swimming patterns, analyse the performance of the robot when mimicking a specific type of fish and suggest optimal joint configuration for the robot based on data analysis results.
The submission also includes:
- A folder (fish_analysis_methods) with Python files for each data analysis methods
- A folder (manipulate_datasets) with Python script to modify fish dataset format
- A folder (Modified Fish Datasets) with modified sturgeon datasets
- A folder (Artificial Datasets) with artificial fish datasets used in testing
- A folder (Robotic Fish Analysis Results) including data analysis results files from all fish datasets.
This project was developed using the following Python libraries:
tkinter (version 0.0.9): for GUI development numpy (version 1.24.2): for numerical calculations pandas (version 2.0.0): for data manipulation and analysis matplotlib (version 3.7.1): for data visualization os (version 2.1.4): for interacting with the operating system scipy.optimize (version 1.10.1): for optimization functions scipy.signal (version 1.10.1): for signal processing functions openpyxl (version 3.1.2): for working with Excel files
Make sure you have installed the required versions of these libraries before running the project.
You can install them using pip by running the following commands:
pip install tkinterx
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
python -m pip install -U pip
python -m pip install -U matplotlib
pip install scipy
pip install openpyxl
To use the dataset modification script, follow these steps:
- Run the code from your Python IDE
- Input the path to folder which has unmodified fish dataset files on Run tool window.
- Input the path to folder which you want to save modified fish dataset files on Run tool window.
To use the framework, follow these steps:
- Install the necessary libraries by running the following
- Run the code from your Python IDE
- Follow the prompts to input the required data and generate the desired output.
When finished, exit the program.