Sketches for the monome norns audio device
This is a folder that contains various tests I'm doing to try out functions of the norns. Sometimes you might find interesting stuff for edge-case or hardware handling.
This is a little 8x8 sequencer (8 sequences, 8 steps each) that allows quick switching among sequences, auto-saves changes when sleeping or switching sketches (to data/ddg/ and uses a cool little alt-driven menu for selecting and setting things like run status, tempo and direction.
It's easiest to check out the video for this:
v.1.1: Notes are output on MIDI, the first device encountered, channel 1, with a gate time of 10 ms.
v.1.2: Use the 'Parameters' to set MIDI settings, and store MIDI settings in 'data/ddg/'
v.1.3: Updated for the 180828 norns update, including support for the new MIDI functions and parameter storage in a standard PSET file.