json-msg is a lightweight alternative for Joi or Yup or any json validator. Unlike Joi, json-msg only focus on error messages and validations
- Customizable Messages
- Custom Validation
- Easy Configuration
- Lightweight 4.6kb
- Fast
- No Dependencies
npm i json-msg
<script src="https://unpkg.com/json-msg"></script>
UNPKG Unbabel version - 4.6kb (IE not supported)
<script src="https://unpkg.com/json-msg/dist/jm.unbabel.min.js"></script>
import jm "json-msg";
const schema = {
username: jm.str(),
password: jm.num()
confirmPassword: jm.sameAs("password")
const data = {
username: "cris123",
password: 123456,
confirmPassword: 123456,
import jm "json-msg";
const { str , bool, num, array , sameAs} = jm;
const userSchema = {
id: num({min: 1000, max: 100000}),
username: str({ min: 6,alphanum: true }),
pass: str({ min: 6, label: "Password" }),
confirmPass: sameAs("pass",{label: "Confirm Password"}),
age: num({min: 15}),
gender: str({ required: false, allow: [null] }),
hobbies: array({ items: str()})
address: {
city: str({ min: 1000 }),
country: str({required: false})
const userData = {
id: 5000,
username: "darkcris1",
pass: "loremIpsum",
age: 20,
confirmPass: ""
gender: null,
hobbies: ["gaming", "coding", "solving"]
address: {
city: "Davao City",
// if abortEarly is false, all the data properties errors will show
// if showALlErrors is true will give you an array of error messages on that specific errors
jm.validate(userData,userSchema,{abortEarly: false, showAllErrors: true})