A Twitter bot that looks at news headlines and confuses them.
See the nice-looking explanation of index.js in order to understand how the bot works.
Requires node and npm (installing node installs npm too). You also need a Twitter App access token, consumer key, and associated secrets. You can get those here. You'll probably also want a fresh twitter account for your bot, though you could have it post to one you already own, too!
Clone the repo, then in your project directory, install the dependencies:
$ npm install
Next, edit config.js
to include your Twitter App access token, consumer key, and associated secrets. This is important! Without this you'll be unable to tweet.
Install/run grunt
to lint your code and run docco
to regenerate the documentation.
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ grunt
You can also run a watch in the background:
$ grunt watch
To actually run the bot, do:
$ node index.js
This will give you some output, including, after a bit, a bunch of text that is the tweet that's just been tweeted. You can check the twitter account to see if it's updated to verify that it actually works.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Copyright (c) 2013 Darius Kazemi
Licensed under the MIT license.