Every time you use Excel to share data a kitten dies. However, if Excel is what you have been given, you have to deal with it. One of the first things you may want to do is to export the data to Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files.
is a command-line exporter of MS Excel files to CSV format. It
supports xlsx and xls Excel files. All sheets in each input workbook are
exported and concatenated to stdout. You can use the first three columns to
extract specific spreadsheets.
Some perks of excelToCsv
compared to manual export from Excel and similar
No need of MS Excel at all - useful on computer clusters
Easy to automate - Exporting even few sheets from few files, say 3x3, can be a pain and it is error prone.
exports in batch and since each row is prefixed with file and sheet name, it's easy to do further filtering with your favourite tool -
prevent data loss (e.g. avoid 0.0123 to be exported as 1E-02) and make numbers as numeric strings (e.g. 1,000,000 is exported as 1000000). Without--no-format
(default), cells are exported as formatted by the user (WYSIWYG) -
- convert dates in (possibly many, inconsistent) different formats to ISO -
Weaker dependency (Java 1.8+) and no installation needed compared to Python, Perl, R solutions
Unless option -p/--no-prefix
is set, the first four columns of the output CSV
are always:
Source file name
Index of the exported spreadsheet (1-based)
Name of the exported spreadsheet
Row number (1-based)
So the actual data starts at column 5.
Use excelToCsv -h
for help
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input INPUT [INPUT ...], -i INPUT [INPUT ...]
xlsx or xls files to convert
Column delimiter (default: ,)
--na-string NA_STRING, -na NA_STRING
String for missing values (empty cells) (default: )
--quote QUOTE, -q QUOTE
Character for quoting or 'none' for no quoting (default: ")
--sheet-name SHEET_NAME [SHEET_NAME ...], -sn SHEET_NAME [SHEET_NAME ...]
Optional list of sheet names to export
Optional list of sheet indexes to export (first sheet has index 1)
--drop-empty-rows, -r Skip rows with only empty cells (default: false)
--drop-empty-cols, -c Skip columns with only empty cells (default: false)
--date-as-iso, -I Convert dates to ISO 8601 format and UTC standard.
E.g 2020-03-28T11:40:10Z (default: false)
--no-format, -f For numeric cells, return values without formatting.
This prevents loss of data and gives parsable numeric
strings (default: false)
--no-prefix, -p Do not prefix rows with filename, sheet index,
sheet name, row number (default: false)
--version, -v
Example usage:
excelToCsv -i in1.xlsx in2.xlsx
excelToCsv -i in1.xlsx | awk '$3 == "Sheet1"'
requires only Java 8 or later and no installation is needed.
Download and unzip the latest release
On Linux/Unix simply execute
excelToCsv [OPTS]
, on other systems where Bash/sh is not available usejava -jar excelToCsv.jar [OPTS]
That is:
curl -O https://github.com/dariober/excelToCsv/releases/download/vX.Y.Z/excelToCsv
chmod a+x excelToCsv
cp excelToCsv /usr/local/bin/ # Or else in your PATH e.g. ~/bin/
There are a number of Excel-to-CSV exporters. I found this excel2csv when I already wrote mine also based on the Java POI package which seems pretty good. My solution may be a bit more versatile for when converting multiple files and sheets and it prevents some data loss with handling decimals.
I think converters based on Python packages like pandas, xlrd or openpyxl cannot faithfully convert the content of MS Excel (see for example this question of mine).
Prepare the graddle wrapper (assuming gradle is installed)
gradle wrapper
Run tests and build project:
./gradlew build
Coverage report:
./gradlew jacocoTestReport
Inspect coverage by opening build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html
Upload to GitHub the bash file with embedded the jar and jar file itself as new release.
Make sure the release tag matches the VERSION string in ArgParse.java
cd ~/git_repos/excelToCsv ## Or wherever the latest local dir is
./gradlew build
cat excelToCsv.stub build/libs/excelToCsv.jar > excelToCsv
chmod a+x excelToCsv
./excelToCsv -v ## Check it works ok