Hello Andreas, After we spoke last time i decided to use NGRX as way to manage the state of app. I got plenty of inspiration from our friend Motto, especially regarding the testing of the of effects,reducer and actions, and overall the best practice suggested in his articles.Hope i got the whole points right.
As per the game logic per se (located in app.ts), is basically a reduce operation.
I didn t really had much time to dedicate to embellish, i used mainly angular-material field, button and table The project of course is sass style based, in the src/app/app.component.sass i setup few class.
The form validators aswell are a bit primitive in term of visual feedback.
Clone the repo and "npm install" dependencies. I prepared some scripts.
"npm run start-server" to compile angular app in dev mode (to enable redux dev tools ), transpile nodejs app and start node server , you can acces the app at http://locahost:3000
"npm run test-server" to execute mocha-chai towards API node server endoint
"npm run test" to execute frontend tests, whic include app.component(form validity and dispatch), reducers, actions , effects and selector
As for the docker ,i was very short on time and I also noticed i still run win7 at home while the actual docker run on win 10 so i couldnt event test.So i decided to omit
Look forward to hear your feedback and have the opportunity to discuss in detail the assignmant.
Regards Dario
Offtopic. Im sure yuo know but in case you don't , all the ng-conf 2018 speech are valilable. Some great stuff https://nitayneeman.com/posts/all-talks-from-ng-conf-2018/