Docker container based on Centos 7 with Visu4Link Pastec image recognition platform.
After you built this Docker image and attached it to a container, you might interact with Pastec using its API documented here
git clone
cd docker-centos-pastec
docker build -t pastec .
With -t pastec
we're calling this image pastec
for further referencing
- To map container port 4212 on host port 4212:
$ docker run -p 4212:4212 -d pastec
- Or, to get a random host port redirected to port 4212 of the container:
$ docker run -P -d --name pastec_container pastec
# docker port will show us which port on the host side is forwarded to Pastec
$ docker port pastec_container
4212/tcp ->
In these commands, pastec
is the argument to -t
option of build command.
With --name pastec_container
we're naming the running container, so later (as
with docker port
) we can reference it with just pastec_container
option detaches container execution sending it to the background.
By running this image with the commands above, pastec will run loading the default Visual Words ORB downloaded during image build from website. If you dump an index, remember to put it in /pastec directory so it will be preserved. Then, you can load it on further image execution by specifying index path as last argument to docker run
$ docker run -P --name pastec_container pastec /pastec/my_index.dat
Before stopping the container, remember to dump the index using Pastec API, if you previously indexed images and don't want to repeat the entire indexing.
To stop the container:
$ docker stop pastec_container
# Later can be started again with
$ docker start pastec_container
# Or deleted with (the image will still be available)
$ docker rm pastec_container