Igor Pro package and examples for simulation of homogeneous and heterogeneous electrochemical reactions
Important: This software requires Igor v. 8.0 to run.
Kin-E-Sim is a package for Igor Pro designed to predict the characteristic response of an analyte in various electrochemical methods, including normal pulsed voltammetry (illustrated below), cyclic voltammetry, etc. This document is intended to provide a new user the information they need to begin using the Kin-E-Sim program. See citation for further details on the implemented algorithms.
Clone the git repository and open the KES/KinESim.ipf in IgorPro. The necessary dependencies are included and are loaded by KinESim.ipf. See API for more details of file structure.
A manual is provided that includes instructions for installation, a tutorial featuring demo simulations, and a complete description of the KinESim control panel.
A demo of Kin-E-Sim containing pre-loaded simulations is available here.
A performance test is provided here.
An API can be found here.
Bug reports and requests for improvements, and new features are welcomed! Please feel free to make a post to Biospec Github Issue Tracker or contact Denis A. Proshlyakov, [email protected]