This plugin can import issues or time entries from CSV files. The database is used for intermediate storage.
Redmine 1.3.X, 1.4.X
Fastercsv gem (1.5.3 and 1.5.4 tested)
To install:
Install fastercsv gem if not present by running ‘gem install fastercsv’
Download the plugin to your vendors/plugins directory
Run ‘rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production’
Restart your redmine as appropriate
To setup :
Go to the Admin/Projects/../Modules
Enable “CSV File Importer”
Set permissions according to your needs
To import time entries, you need to define an issue customized field whose name must be “CSV-IMP-ID” and assign it to appropriates trackers. This customize field is used to bind issues with csv file.
Lines :
One header row.
One or more data rows.
Field separator : what you want !!
Field delimiter : what you want !!
Known encodings :
User documentation for this part
Following fields mut be present in this order (titles are only chosen for clarity):
Id : a string whose value is a CSV-IMP-ID value affected to an existing issue.
Comment (string) : time entry comment.
Date (date) : date spent on (format : YYYY-MM-DD).
Activity (string): activity name.
Hours (decimal) : number of hours spent.
User (string) : user login.
Id;Comment;Date;Activity;Hours;User 15;A simple test;2012-01-20;Test;3.5;John 16;Specifications writing;2012-01-20;Spec;4.75;Eric 17;Bug #324;2012-01-21;Support;3;John
en, fr, zh localizations included.
This plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL v2. See COPYRIGHT.txt and GPL.txt for details.
This plugin was created by merging the Redmine Issue Importer plugin ( and the Bulk Time Entry Plugin (, plus some minor improvements.
So, I’m very thankful to their creators : Leo Hourtvitz and Eric Davis.