Final project for Deep Learning independent study at CUNY Lehman. A few DQN Agents that beat different types of games.
- beats classic control game Mountain Car with a discrete action space
- beats classic control game Acrobot with a discrete action space
- beats classic control game CartPole with a discrete action space.
- Pendulum agent created with
wrapper to make the continuous action space discrete allowing the DQN agent to work
- Space Invaders agent created using a ROM from then defining the QNetwork based on the observation space, the action space, and taking into account the frame skipping inherent to old Atari games
- The DNQ Agents can only train on environments with a discreet action space, not a continuous action space, so continuous action spaces must be converted.
- Action space is the range of moves you can make as the player.
- Observation space is everything the agent will take into account when choosing its next action (environment).