This project will serve as a hopefully simple set up script to get new systems going, and to keep old systems up to date.
% make help
WARNING: This will clober your current dotfiles!
Use 'make setup-all' to get things going
Use 'make install-all' to check dependencies
Use 'make configure-all' to set up the dotfiles!
Use 'make configure-shell' to set up server defaults
Use 'make configure-desktop' to set up X windows stuff
Use 'make diff-all' to see what kind of changes will be happening!
Use 'make backup-all' to create a dofile-backup folder and save your current configuration!
Use 'make backup-restore' to replace your current configuration with the files in ~/dotfile-backup/
Use 'make pull-all' to update this repository after trying out new changes
- background image sampled from '~/.fehbg.jpg'
- these dotfiles are used to stylize vim, emacs, tmux, i3 (with i3bars and rofi)
- font needs to be set in urxvt/Xresources (under "Urxvt*font:")
- I install .ttf fonts in ~/.fonts
- I'm using Anonymous Pro
- I'm using font-awesome fonts for the logos in the i3bars
- I'm using xcwd to stay in current directory after Mod+Enter (optional)
The vast majority of this code was taken from O. Jourmel in dotfiles repository, (much of which was copied from other great dotfiles) while the Xresources file came from smjn's config repository
- Other cool config lines described in this reddit post, which has probably has the most extensive i3 config I've seen yet (though I don't like most of the keybinds).