Python UserNotes Interface for Reddit.
Built to interact with the user notes data store from the reddit moderator toolbox (spec here).
- PRAW (Supports PRAW 7.1.0)
- Python 2.7, or 3.X
Note: PUNI only supports usernotes of schema version 6.
Creating a usernotes object
import praw
import puni
r = praw.Reddit(...)
sub = r.subreddit('subreddit')
un = puni.UserNotes(r, sub)
Adding a note
# Create given note with time set to current time
link = ''
n = puni.Note(user='username', note='note', mod='moderator', link=link, warning='permban')
The list of warning types (like 'permban'
as shown above), can be accessed from
Reading a user's notes
for note in un.get_notes('username'):
Pruning shadowbanned and deleted users
import puni
import praw
r = praw.Reddit(...)
sub = r.subreddit('my_subreddit')
un = puni.UserNotes(r, sub)
for user in un.get_users():
u = r.redditor(user).fullname
print("{} is shadowbanned/deleted".format(user))
# To prevent unnecessary API requests, you need to specify remove_user
# as lazy.
un.remove_user(user, lazy=True)
# Now update the usernotes
un.set_json("Pruned users via puni")