Some basic utilities to help get a JOGL 3D application off the ground. These are just some helper classes for use with JOGL.
Simplifies the process of loading a file into an OpenGL SL Program
Parses .obj (wavefront) 3D model files and turns them into a friendly format that can directly rendered and manipulated in OpenGL
Allows for the mass upload and animation using a set of .obj files
The best way to include this utility as a dependency is to add a build.gradle file containing the following:
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
compile ('com.github.dannyflax:JOGL-Utilities:1655b84','org.jogamp.jogl:jogl-all-main:2.3.1','org.jogamp.jogl:nativewindow-main:2.3.1','org.jogamp.gluegen:gluegen-rt-main:2.3.1')
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.+'
You can then create an eclipse project from this build file using the gradle eclipse
- Steve's World - 3D Platformer where you can build the map around you
- Platform Maze - Project that makes usage of shaders to create a "shadow" effect as you move around a dungeon
- Microfluidics Simulation - Simulation of a research experiment performed for an engineering class