Personal project to move all tools on my home server to Docker. Alpine Linux is used as host OS (due to minimal footprint and security focus). Docker compose is used to manage my local infrastructure in a single file. I use a Linux Container in Proxmox, but it can also run on a Raspberry Pi
- Wildcard Let's Encrypt certificates
- Automated certificate renewal
- Redirect HTTP to HTTPS for all services
- IP whitelist protection for admin pages
- Automated redirect of Synology mailstation and webstation
- Bind mounts for persistent data (easy backups)
- Sensitive Vaultwarden configuration in docker secrets
- Firefly III with PostgreSQL database and data importer
Copy this repository, e.g. by downloading the zip-file and extract it.
# apk add zip
unzip ./
cd ./homecontroller-master
This directory is further referred to as 'working directory'.
Rename .env.example to .env
(or create a new file) and replace the contents with your personal details.
mv ./.env.example .env
Create the following text files in your working directory an fill them with the corresponding secret values:
echo "your-cloudflare-api-token" > ./secrets/cloudflare_api_token
echo "your-google-smpt-password" > ./secrets/google_smtp_pass
echo "a-password-for-the-vaultwarden-admin-page" > ./secrets/vaultwarden_admin_token
Run the file to create directories and files mounted by docker compose:
. ./
Start the containers using docker compose:
docker compose up -d --remove-orphans
Test if everything is running using:
. ./
If DNS is set up correctly, the services can be reached (and configured) using these urls:
- Traefik:
- Unifi Controller:
- AdGuard Home:
- Vaultwarden:
- Vaultwarden admin:
- Firefly III:
- Firefly III Data Importer:
- Synology DSM:
- Synology webstation:
- Traefik
- Unifi Controller
- AdGuard Home
- Synology Disk Station
- Synology Photo Station
- fail2ban
- vaultwarden
- Plex
- SnappyMail
- Firefly III
- semi-automated updates
- automated test