By: Daniel Sim - Senior Data Scientist @Elsevier, London
15th February 2020
A Naive-Bayes model is implemented here for training and evaluation of gender classification by name. Naive-Bayes is relatively simple to implement and debug and is a good fit for simple text classification tasks.
C++14 is used largely due to the author's familiarity with it, and to a lesser degree - to showcase execution speed and efficiency compared to Python and to a lesser extent Java. Java was considered first as the language of choice, however, the author has not programmed in Java for years hence the fallback to C++14.
It is noted that C++ programs have faster load times and takes significantly less memory compare to a Java program which requires a JVM. This can be advantageous in certain map-reduce/on-cluster jobs.
BPE (Binary Pair Encoding) and SentencePiece subword tokenizers were considered to increase classification performance. However, the goal of > 95% accuracy on the test set was achieved with a simpler subword scheme explained below:
- Create subword n-grams from the start and end of the first X words of a name. (X = 1 was used as it gave the best accuracy)
- Min and Max n-gram length are model hyper-parameters set to 2 and 10 respectively. If the word is shorter than those lengths, subword creation stopped when the subword length is length-1 of the word.
- subwords created from the front are prefixed with "#" to distinguish them from full words. Likewise, subwords created from the back are post-fixed with "#".
- The original words in the full name are then added to the subwords.
For example, "aloiskonstantin 9th prince of löwensteinwertheimrosenberg" becomes: "#al", "in#", "#alo", "tin#", "#aloi", "ntin#", "#alois", "antin#", "#aloisk", "tantin#", "#aloisko", "stantin#", "#aloiskon", "nstantin#", "#aloiskons", "onstantin#", "#aloiskonst", "konstantin#", "aloiskonstantin", "9th", "prince", "of", "löwensteinwertheimrosenberg"
It is interesting to note that when the original words of the full name are not added accuracy falls from 95.4266% to 95.1467%.
On the author's PC (Intel i5 3.4 GHz, SSD and with -O3 compiler optimization) takes under 2 seconds for the complete run which includes:
- Loading the training and test data sets (99,999 rows)
- Tokenization and cleaning to create feature column
- Training the model (With 79,992 rows marked as "Train")
- Evaluate and output results of training and test sets
The speed of execution made it very quick to tweak hyper-parameters and try out different variations of algorithms involved.
Each sample represents ~1ms of execution.
For training and prediction, the bulk of the execution time goes to std::map::find which is a dictionary lookup.
Generating subwords took 50% of the time during tokenization. Tokenization itself just represents ~10% of the total execution time of the program.
Takes data/allnames.tsv
as input and outputs classification in:
Basic classification accuracy metrics are given through stdout.
Program parameters and hyper-parameters are found and documented at the top of main.cpp
and can be modified
Developed on:
- Ubuntu 16.04
- CLion 2019.3
- CMake 3.15.3
- g++ 5.4.0
Requires a compiler that supports the C++14 standard. Also tested on macOS Mojave 10.14 with Xcode 11.3.
# Build program
mkdir cmake-build
cd cmake-build
cmake ..
# Run program, it expects the input file to be in ../data