A python script to DoS every device on the network (except yourself ;))
- Use ARP to scan the whole network searching for devices
- Store all those devices in a list
- Erase some devices from that list (you and those on the exceptions file)
- Go through every device and tell it that the gateway is at a random MAC
This script will require
- Scapy for Python (see installing Scapy)
- Root privileges
usage: arpDoS.py [-h] [-i INTERFACE] [-n NETWORK] [-g GATEWAY] [-f FILE] [-m]
a command line tool to DoS all devices on a network (except yourself :D)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Interface to use
-n NETWORK, --network NETWORK
Network to DoS
-g GATEWAY, --gateway GATEWAY
Gateway IP
-f FILE, --file FILE List of IPs to exclude from the attack (one per line)
-m, --mitm Use MITM instead
This script works by telling all devices that the gateway is at a random MAC. It's programmed like a MITM only there's nothing at that address to process the data so the requests never get to the gateway.
The -m option will use your MAC address instead, and will enable IP forwarding in your computer so the data does get to the gateway, through you.
You're basically MITM-ing the entire network. (Make sure your computer can handle it though)
To install scapy open a terminal and type
pip3 install scapy
This project is a proof of concept for testing and educational purposes. It's meant to be used against networks you have permission to tamper with.
I don't take any responsibility for what you do with this program.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE.md for details
This script only works on Linux and must be executed with root privileges