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Entity Metrics Report

Daniel Odievich edited this page May 8, 2019 · 52 revisions


Entity Metrics report shows summary for all transactional Metrics for Applications, Tiers, Nodes, Business Transactions, Backends, Service Endpoints, Errors and Information Points for APM Applications.

This makes it very valuable in times when you want to rapidly assess hundreds of Applications, Tiers and Business Transactions and see which ones need your attention.

The scatter plot chart above each table provides description of Calls vs Response for each row. As the table is filtered, the data in the chart will change.

Entity Metrics report is produced when:

Report File Locations

Entity Metrics report has the following file name:

Report\EntityMetrics.<Job File Name>.<Start Date and Time>-<End Date and Time>.xlsx

For example:


Data File Locations

The data for the report is in the following files:

  • Report\ENT\controllers.csv
  • Report\METR\APP.entities.full.csv
  • Report\METR\APP.entities.hour.csv
  • Report\METR\BACK.entities.full.csv
  • Report\METR\BACK.entities.hour.csv
  • Report\METR\BT.entities.full.csv
  • Report\METR\BT.entities.hour.csv
  • Report\METR\ERR.entities.full.csv
  • Report\METR\ERR.entities.hour.csv
  • Report\METR\NODE.entities.full.csv
  • Report\METR\NODE.entities.hour.csv
  • Report\METR\SEP.entities.full.csv
  • Report\METR\SEP.entities.hour.csv
  • Report\METR\TIER.entities.full.csv
  • Report\METR\TIER.entities.hour.csv
  • Report\FLOW\BACK.activitygrids.full.csv
  • Report\FLOW\BT.activitygrids.full.csv
  • Report\FLOW\NODE.activitygrids.full.csv
  • Report\FLOW\TIER.activitygrids.full.csv
  • Report\FLOW\APP.activitygrids.full.csv
  • Report\FLOW\APP.activitygrids.perminute.full.csv

Data Schema

Full Size

Report Contents

Data Pivot
4.Applications, 4.Applications.Hourly 4.Applications.Pivot
4.Applications.Activity Flow
5.Tiers, 5.Tiers.Hourly 5.Tiers.Pivot
5.Tiers.Activity Flow
6.Nodes, 6.Nodes.Hourly 6.Nodes.Pivot
6.Nodes.Activity Flow
7.Backends, 7.Backends.Hourly 7.Backends.Pivot
7.Backends.Activity Flow
8.BTs, 8.BTs.Hourly 8.BTs.Pivot
8.BTs.Activity Flow
9.SEPs, 9.SEPs.Hourly 9.SEPs.Pivot
10.Errors, 10.Errors.Hourly 10.Errors.Pivot
11.Information Points, 11.Information Points.Hourly 11.Information Points.Pivot


This sheet describes the parameters of the extraction and reporting job that produced this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
UserName String User that was used to retrieve data from the Controller
Application String Name of Application that was queried
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
ApplicationType String Type of the Application


This sheet provides quick access to the contents of this report and provides at-a-glance number of rows in each of the sheet's tables.

Column Data Type Purpose
Sheet Name String Name of the sheet in the report
Num Entities Integer Number of Entities in that sheet
Link Hyperlink Link to the sheet in the report


This sheet provides information about Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
Version String Version of the Controller
VersionDetail String Full version string of the Controller
NumApps Integer Number of all APM Applications registered in the Controller
NumAPMApps Integer Number of APM Applications registered in the Controller
NumWEBApps Integer Number of WEB Applications registered in the Controller
NumMOBILEApps Integer Number of MOBILE Applications registered in the Controller
NumIOTApps Integer Number of IoT Applications registered in the Controller
NumSIMApps Integer Number of SIM Applications registered in the Controller
NumBIQApps Integer Number of BIQ Applications registered in the Controller
NumDBApps Integer Number of DB Applications registered in the Controller
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller


This sheet provides Metric information about all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
ART Integer Average Response Time (ms) for Entity
ARTRange String String representing bucket into which ART fits
TimeTotal Integer Total Response Time for Entity
Calls Integer Total Calls for Entity
CPM Integer Calls per Minute for Entity
Errors Integer Total Errors for Entity
EPM Integer Errors per Minute for Entity
Exceptions Integer Total Exceptions for Entity
EXCPM Integer Exceptions per Minute for Entity
HTTPErrors Integer Total HTTP Errors for Entity
HTTPEPM Integer HTTP Errors per Minute for Entity
ErrorsPercentage Double Percentage of Error transactions against the total calls
HasActivity Boolean Whether this Entity had any activity
From DateTime Beginning of time range queried, local time
To DateTime End of time range queried, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of time range queried, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime End of time range queried, UTC time
Duration Integer Duration of time range queried, in minutes
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
DetailLink Hyperlink Link to the Entity Details report
MetricGraphLink HyperLink Link to the Entity Metric Graphs report
FlameChartLink Hyperlink Link to the Flame Chart report
FlameChartLink Hyperlink Link to the Flame Chart report
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range
MetricLink URL Link to Metric Browser for all Metrics in Application for this time range

Full Size


The same structure as 4.Application, except the From and To encompass 1-hour intervals between overall From and To specified in Input Job file.

If only 1 hour range was specified, this sheet is identical to 4.Application.


This sheet uses data in 4.Applications.Hourly sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Columns Rows Values Filters
ART (Average)
Time (Sum)
Calls (Sum)
CPM (Average)
Errors (Sum)
EPM (Average)
Exceptions (Sum)
EXCPM (Average)
HttpErrors (Sum)
HTTPEPM (Average)
Errors % (Average)

4.Applications.Activity Flow

This sheet represents the Grid View of the Flow Map in the Controller for all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
CallType String Type of the call between Entities
CallDirection String Direction of the call. Exit – this row represents calls from one Entity to another, Total – this row represents total calls for Entity
FromName String Name of the Entity making the call
FromType String Type of the Entity making the call
FromEntityID Integer ID of the Entity making the call
ToName String Name of the Entity being called
ToType String Type of the Entity being called
ToEntityID Integer ID of the Entity being called
ART Integer Average Response Time (ms) for this call
Calls Integer Total Calls for this call
CPM Integer Calls per Minute for Entity
Errors Integer Total Errors for Entity
EPM Integer Errors per Minute for Entity
ErrorsPercentage Double Percentage of Error transactions against the total calls
From DateTime Beginning of time range queried, local time
To DateTime End of time range queried, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of time range queried, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime End of time range queried, UTC time
Duration Integer Duration of time range queried, in minutes
ApplicationID Integer ID of the Application
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range
FromLink URL Link to the Entity making the call for this time range
ToLink URL Link to the Entity being called for this time range
MetricLink URL Link to Metric Browser for all Metrics for this call for this time range


This sheet provides Metric information about all Tiers in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
TierType String Type of Tier
AgentType String Type of Agent reporting to this Tier
ART Integer Average Response Time (ms) for Entity
ARTRange String String representing bucket into which ART fits
TimeTotal Integer Total Response Time for Entity
Calls Integer Total Calls for Entity
CPM Integer Calls per Minute for Entity
Errors Integer Total Errors for Entity
EPM Integer Errors per Minute for Entity
Exceptions Integer Total Exceptions for Entity
EXCPM Integer Exceptions per Minute for Entity
HTTPErrors Integer Total HTTP Errors for Entity
HTTPEPM Integer HTTP Errors per Minute for Entity
ErrorsPercentage Double Percentage of Error transactions against the total calls
HasActivity Boolean Whether this Entity had any activity
From DateTime Beginning of time range queried, local time
To DateTime End of time range queried, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of time range queried, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime End of time range queried, UTC time
Duration Integer Duration of time range queried, in minutes
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
TierID Integer ID of Tier in Application
DetailLink Hyperlink Link to the Entity Details report
MetricGraphLink HyperLink Link to the Entity Metric Graphs report
FlameGraphLink Hyperlink Link to the Flame Graph report
FlameChartLink Hyperlink Link to the Flame Chart report
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range
TierLink URL Link to Tier in Controller for this time range
MetricLink URL Link to Metric Browser for all Metrics in Tier for this time range

Full Size


The same structure as 5.Tiers, except the From and To encompass 1-hour intervals between overall From and To specified in Input Job file. If only 1 hour range was specified, this sheet is identical to 5.Tiers.


This sheet uses data in 5.Tiers.Hourly sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Columns Rows Values Filters
ART (Average)
Time (Sum)
Calls (Sum)
CPM (Average)
Errors (Sum)
EPM (Average)
Exceptions (Sum)
EXCPM (Average)
HttpErrors (Sum)
HTTPEPM (Average)
Errors % (Average)

5.Tiers.Activity Flow

This sheet represents the Grid View of the Flow Map in the Controller for all Tiers in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
CallType String Type of the call between Entities
CallDirection String Direction of the call. Exit – this row represents calls from one Entity to another, Total – this row represents total calls for Entity
FromName String Name of the Entity making the call
FromType String Type of the Entity making the call
FromEntityID Integer ID of the Entity making the call
ToName String Name of the Entity being called
ToType String Type of the Entity being called
ToEntityID Integer ID of the Entity being called
ART Integer Average Response Time (ms) for this call
Calls Integer Total Calls for this call
CPM Integer Calls per Minute for Entity
Errors Integer Total Errors for Entity
EPM Integer Errors per Minute for Entity
ErrorsPercentage Double Percentage of Error transactions against the total calls
From DateTime Beginning of time range queried, local time
To DateTime End of time range queried, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of time range queried, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime End of time range queried, UTC time
Duration Integer Duration of time range queried, in minutes
ApplicationID Integer ID of the Application
TierID Integer ID of the Tier
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range
FromLink URL Link to the Entity making the call for this time range
ToLink URL Link to the Entity being called for this time range
MetricLink URL Link to Metric Browser for all Metrics for this call for this time range


This sheet provides Metric information about all Nodes in all Tiers in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
NodeName String Name of Node
AgentType String Type of APM Agent
ART Integer Average Response Time (ms) for Entity
ARTRange String String representing bucket into which ART fits
TimeTotal Integer Total Response Time for Entity
Calls Integer Total Calls for Entity
CPM Integer Calls per Minute for Entity
Errors Integer Total Errors for Entity
EPM Integer Errors per Minute for Entity
Exceptions Integer Total Exceptions for Entity
EXCPM Integer Exceptions per Minute for Entity
HTTPErrors Integer Total HTTP Errors for Entity
HTTPEPM Integer HTTP Errors per Minute for Entity
ErrorsPercentage Double Percentage of Error transactions against the total calls
HasActivity Boolean Whether this Entity had any activity
From DateTime Beginning of time range queried, local time
To DateTime End of time range queried, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of time range queried, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime End of time range queried, UTC time
Duration Integer Duration of time range queried, in minutes
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
TierID Integer ID of Tier in Application
NodeID Integer ID of APM Agent in Application
DetailLink Hyperlink Link to the Entity Details report
MetricGraphLink HyperLink Link to the Entity Metric Graphs report
FlameGraphLink Hyperlink Link to the Flame Graph report
FlameChartLink Hyperlink Link to the Flame Chart report
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range
TierLink URL Link to Tier in Controller for this time range
NodeLink URL Link to Node in Controller for this time range
MetricLink URL Link to Metric Browser for all Metrics in Node for this time range

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The same structure as 6.Tiers, except the From and To encompass 1-hour intervals between overall From and To specified in Input Job file. If only 1 hour range was specified, this sheet is identical to 6.Tiers.


This sheet uses data in 6.Nodes.Hourly sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Columns Rows Values Filters
ART (Average)
Time (Sum)
Calls (Sum)
CPM (Average)
Errors (Sum)
EPM (Average)
Exceptions (Sum)
EXCPM (Average)
HttpErrors (Sum)
HTTPEPM (Average)
Errors % (Average)

6.Nodes.Activity Flow

This sheet represents the Grid View of the Flow Map in the Controller for all Nodes in all Tiers in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
NodeName String Name of Node
CallType String Type of the call between Entities
CallDirection String Direction of the call. Exit – this row represents calls from one Entity to another, Total – this row represents total calls for Entity
FromName String Name of the Entity making the call
FromType String Type of the Entity making the call
FromEntityID Integer ID of the Entity making the call
ToName String Name of the Entity being called
ToType String Type of the Entity being called
ToEntityID Integer ID of the Entity being called
ART Integer Average Response Time (ms) for this call
Calls Integer Total Calls for this call
CPM Integer Calls per Minute for Entity
Errors Integer Total Errors for Entity
EPM Integer Errors per Minute for Entity
ErrorsPercentage Double Percentage of Error transactions against the total calls
From DateTime Beginning of time range queried, local time
To DateTime End of time range queried, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of time range queried, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime End of time range queried, UTC time
Duration Integer Duration of time range queried, in minutes
ApplicationID Integer ID of the Application
TierID Integer ID of the Tier
NodeID Integer ID of the Node
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range
FromLink URL Link to the Entity making the call for this time range
ToLink URL Link to the Entity being called for this time range
MetricLink URL Link to Metric Browser for all Metrics for this call for this time range


This sheet provides Metric information about all Backends in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
BackendName String Name of Backend
BackendType String Type of Backend
ART Integer Average Response Time (ms) for Entity
ARTRange String String representing bucket into which ART fits
TimeTotal Integer Total Response Time for Entity
Calls Integer Total Calls for Entity
CPM Integer Calls per Minute for Entity
Errors Integer Total Errors for Entity
EPM Integer Errors per Minute for Entity
Exceptions Integer Total Exceptions for Entity
EXCPM Integer Exceptions per Minute for Entity
HTTPErrors Integer Total HTTP Errors for Entity
HTTPEPM Integer HTTP Errors per Minute for Entity
ErrorsPercentage Double Percentage of Error transactions against the total calls
HasActivity Boolean Whether this Entity had any activity
From DateTime Beginning of time range queried, local time
To DateTime End of time range queried, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of time range queried, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime End of time range queried, UTC time
Duration Integer Duration of time range queried, in minutes
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
BackendID Integer ID of Backend in Application
DetailLink Hyperlink Link to the Entity Details report
MetricGraphLink HyperLink Link to the Entity Metric Graphs report
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range
BackendLink URL Link to Backend in Controller
MetricLink URL Link to Metric Browser for all Metrics in Backend for this time range

Full Size


The same structure as 7.Backends, except the From and To encompass 1-hour intervals between overall From and To specified in Input Job file. If only 1 hour range was specified, this sheet is identical to 7.Backends.


This sheet uses data in 7.Backends.Hourly sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Columns Rows Values Filters
ART (Average)
Time (Sum)
Calls (Sum)
CPM (Average)
Errors (Sum)
EPM (Average)
Errors % (Average)

7.Backends.Activity Flow

This sheet represents the Grid View of the Flow Map in the Controller for all Backends in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
BackendName String Name of Backend
CallType String Type of the call between Entities
CallDirection String Direction of the call. Exit – this row represents calls from one Entity to another, Total – this row represents total calls for Entity
FromName String Name of the Entity making the call
FromType String Type of the Entity making the call
FromEntityID Integer ID of the Entity making the call
ToName String Name of the Entity being called
ToType String Type of the Entity being called
ToEntityID Integer ID of the Entity being called
ART Integer Average Response Time (ms) for this call
Calls Integer Total Calls for this call
CPM Integer Calls per Minute for Entity
Errors Integer Total Errors for Entity
EPM Integer Errors per Minute for Entity
ErrorsPercentage Double Percentage of Error transactions against the total calls
From DateTime Beginning of time range queried, local time
To DateTime End of time range queried, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of time range queried, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime End of time range queried, UTC time
Duration Integer Duration of time range queried, in minutes
ApplicationID Integer ID of the Application
BackendID Integer ID of the Backend
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range
FromLink URL Link to the Entity making the call for this time range
ToLink URL Link to the Entity being called for this time range
MetricLink URL Link to Metric Browser for all Metrics for this call for this time range


This sheet provides Metric information about all Business Transactions in all Tiers in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
BTName String Name of Business Transaction
BTType String Type of Business Transaction
ART Integer Average Response Time (ms) for Entity
ARTRange String String representing bucket into which ART fits
TimeTotal Integer Total Response Time for Entity
Calls Integer Total Calls for Entity
CPM Integer Calls per Minute for Entity
Errors Integer Total Errors for Entity
EPM Integer Errors per Minute for Entity
ErrorsPercentage Double Percentage of Error transactions against the total calls
HasActivity Boolean Whether this Entity had any activity
From DateTime Beginning of time range queried, local time
To DateTime End of time range queried, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of time range queried, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime End of time range queried, UTC time
Duration Integer Duration of time range queried, in minutes
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
TierID Integer ID of Tier in Application
BTID Integer ID of Business Transaction in Application
DetailLink Hyperlink Link to the Entity Details report
MetricGraphLink HyperLink Link to the Entity Metric Graphs report
FlameGraphLink Hyperlink Link to the Flame Graph report
FlameChartLink Hyperlink Link to the Flame Chart report
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range
TierLink URL Link to Tier in Controller for this time range
BTLink URL Link to Business Transaction in Controller for this time range
MetricLink URL Link to Metric Browser for all Metrics in Business Transaction for this time range

Full Size


The same structure as 8.BTs, except the From and To encompass 1-hour intervals between overall From and To specified in Input Job file. If only 1 hour range was specified, this sheet is identical to 8.BTs.


This sheet uses data in 8.BTs.Hourly sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Columns Rows Values Filters
ART (Average)
Time (Sum)
Calls (Sum)
CPM (Average)
Errors (Sum)
EPM (Average)
Errors % (Average)

8.BTs.Activity Flow

This sheet represents the Grid View of the Flow Map in the Controller for all Business Transactions in all Tiers in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
BTName String Name of Business Transaction
CallType String Type of the call between Entities
CallDirection String Direction of the call. Exit – this row represents calls from one Entity to another, Total – this row represents total calls for Entity
FromName String Name of the Entity making the call
FromType String Type of the Entity making the call
FromEntityID Integer ID of the Entity making the call
ToName String Name of the Entity being called
ToType String Type of the Entity being called
ToEntityID Integer ID of the Entity being called
ART Integer Average Response Time (ms) for this call
Calls Integer Total Calls for this call
CPM Integer Calls per Minute for Entity
Errors Integer Total Errors for Entity
EPM Integer Errors per Minute for Entity
ErrorsPercentage Double Percentage of Error transactions against the total calls
From DateTime Beginning of time range queried, local time
To DateTime End of time range queried, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of time range queried, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime End of time range queried, UTC time
Duration Integer Duration of time range queried, in minutes
ApplicationID Integer ID of the Application
TierID Integer ID of the Tier
BTID Integer ID of the Business Transaction
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range
FromLink URL Link to the Entity making the call for this time range
ToLink URL Link to the Entity being called for this time range
MetricLink URL Link to Metric Browser for all Metrics for this call for this time range


This sheet provides Metric information about all Service Endpoints in all Tiers in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
SEPName String Name of Service Endpoint
SEPType String Type of Service Endpoint
ART Integer Average Response Time (ms) for Entity
ARTRange String String representing bucket into which ART fits
TimeTotal Integer Total Response Time for Entity
Calls Integer Total Calls for Entity
CPM Integer Calls per Minute for Entity
Errors Integer Total Errors for Entity
EPM Integer Errors per Minute for Entity
ErrorsPercentage Double Percentage of Error transactions against the total calls
HasActivity Boolean Whether this Entity had any activity
From DateTime Beginning of time range queried, local time
To DateTime End of time range queried, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of time range queried, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime End of time range queried, UTC time
Duration Integer Duration of time range queried, in minutes
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
TierID Integer ID of Tier in Application
SEPID Integer ID of Service Endpoint in Application
DetailLink Hyperlink Link to the Entity Details report
MetricGraphLink HyperLink Link to the Entity Metric Graphs report
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range
TierLink URL Link to Tier in Controller for this time range
SEPLink URL Link to Service Endpoint in Controller for this time range
MetricLink URL Link to Metric Browser for all Metrics in Service Endpoint for this time range

Full Size


The same structure as 9.SEPs, except the From and To encompass 1-hour intervals between overall From and To specified in Input Job file. If only 1 hour range was specified, this sheet is identical to 9.SEPs.


This sheet uses data in 9.SEPs.Hourly sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Columns Rows Values Filters
ART (Average)
Time (Sum)
Calls (Sum)
CPM (Average)
Errors (Sum)
EPM (Average)
Errors % (Average)


This sheet provides Metric information about all Errors in all Tiers in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
TierName String Name of Tier
ErrorName String Name of Error
ErrorType String Type of Error
Errors Integer Total Errors for Entity
EPM Integer Errors per Minute for Entity
HasActivity Boolean Whether this Entity had any activity
From DateTime Beginning of time range queried, local time
To DateTime End of time range queried, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of time range queried, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime End of time range queried, UTC time
Duration Integer Duration of time range queried, in minutes
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
TierID Integer ID of Tier in Application
ErrorID Integer ID of Error in Application
DetailLink Hyperlink Link to the Entity Details report
MetricGraphLink HyperLink Link to the Entity Metric Graphs report
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range
TierLink URL Link to Tier in Controller for this time range
ErrorLink URL Link to Error in Controller for this time range
MetricLink URL Link to Metric Browser for all Metrics in Error for this time range


The same structure as 10.Errors, except the From and To encompass 1-hour intervals between overall From and To specified in Input Job file. If only 1 hour range was specified, this sheet is identical to 10.Errors.


This sheet uses data in 10.Errors.Hourly sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Columns Rows Values Filters
Errors (Sum)
EPM (Average)

11.Information Points

This sheet provides Metric information about all Information Points in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
ApplicationName String Name of Application
IPName String Name of Information Point
IPType String Type of Information Point
ART Integer Average Response Time (ms) for Entity
ARTRange String String representing bucket into which ART fits
TimeTotal Integer Total Response Time for Entity
Calls Integer Total Calls for Entity
CPM Integer Calls per Minute for Entity
Errors Integer Total Errors for Entity
EPM Integer Errors per Minute for Entity
ErrorsPercentage Double Percentage of Error transactions against the total calls
HasActivity Boolean Whether this Entity had any activity
From DateTime Beginning of time range queried, local time
To DateTime End of time range queried, local time
FromUtc DateTime Beginning of time range queried, UTC time
ToUtc DateTime End of time range queried, UTC time
Duration Integer Duration of time range queried, in minutes
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
IPID Integer ID of Information Point in Application
DetailLink Hyperlink Link to the Entity Details report
MetricGraphLink HyperLink Link to the Entity Metric Graphs report
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller for this time range
ApplicationLink URL Link to Application in Controller for this time range
IPLink URL Link to Information Point in Controller for this time range
MetricLink URL Link to Metric Browser for all Metrics in Service Endpoint for this time range

Full Size

11.Information Points.Hourly

The same structure as 11.Information Points, except the From and To encompass 1-hour intervals between overall From and To specified in Input Job file. If only 1 hour range was specified, this sheet is identical to 11.Information Points.

11.Information Points.Pivot

This sheet uses data in 11.Information Points.Hourly sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Columns Rows Values Filters
ART (Average)
Time (Sum)
Calls (Sum)
CPM (Average)
Errors (Sum)
EPM (Average)
Errors % (Average)
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