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Extend graphql Inputs.


The Simple answer is, extend input MyInput is not part of the GraphQL specs. So, let's say you need to add specific fields to an Input on a remote fetched schema. In this case, you'll have to actually rewrite whole input schema, so now we have this duplication and it's really hard to maintain. This happens quite often if you are to build a graphql gateway and you need to merge the schemas from graphql microservices. Bonus feature extend enum also available.

Hopefully this will be introduced into the specs sooner or later!

What's the goal?

  • Get the statement extend input MyInput and NewInput extend input MyInput to work.
  • Don't touch on the AST or GraphQL objects directly, this should work on top of the work already done by other contributors so let's try to make it simple, even if that means fewer features.
  • Use graphql/utilities as much as possible.

How to use

  • [NewName] extend <input|enum> ObjectToExt[, AnotherObjectToExt, ...]
  • A complex example would be: NewInput extends input MyInput1, MyInput2, MyInput3 {}. This will only return text (GraphQL language) with a new input type called NewInput.


npm i graphql-extend-input --save-prod

Getting partial changes/creations

import gqlExtI from 'graphql-extend-input';

// Schema representing a remote fetched schema
// this can either be a string or a GraphQLSchema object
const remoteFetchedSchema = `
  scalar Date

  input BookInput {
    title: String!
    date: Date

  type Book {
    id: ID!
    title: String
    author: String
    price: Float

  type Query {
    getBooks(filter: [BookInput]!): Book

const newSchema = gqlExtI(remoteFetchedSchema, `
  extend input BookInput {
    author: String
    price: Float
/** Output:

  input BookInput {
    author: String
    price: Float
    title: String!
    date: Date

So you can now use newSchema and merge it with remoteFetchedSchema. It would look something like:

import { mergeSchemas } from 'graphql-tools';

const mergedSchemas = mergeSchemas({
  schemas: [
  resolvers: (mergeInfo) => ({
    // new/overwrite resolvers
  onTypeConflict: (left, right) => {
    // for this example we need to return right!
    return right;

Extending and creating a new Input

If you don't need to mess with existing Inputs you could also do the following.

const newSchema = gqlExtI(remoteFetchedSchema, `
  NewBookInput extend input BookInput {
    author: String
    price: Float

  extend type Query {
    newGetBooks(filter: [NewBookInput]!): Book

/** Output:

  input NewBookInput {
    author: String
    price: Float
    title: String!
    date: Date
  extend type Query {
    newGetBooks(filter: [NewBookInput]!): Book

Get the complete resulting schema

const newSchema = gqlExtI(remoteFetchedSchema, `
  extend input BookInput {
    author: String
    price: Float
`, true); // just need to pass true on the last param

/** Output:

  scalar Date
  input BookInput {
    author: String
    price: Float
    title: String!
    date: Date
  type Book {
    id: ID!
    title: String
    author: String
    price: Float
  type Query {
    getBooks(filter: [BookInput]!): Book


Multiple extends - similar to union

const remoteFetchedSchema = `
  input PersonInput {
    firstname: String!
    lastname: String!

  input AddressBookInput {
    street: String!
    phone: String!

const newSchema = gqlExtI(remoteFetchedSchema, `
  EmployeeInput extend input PersonInput, AddressBookInput {
    salary: Float!
    department: String!

  extend type Query {
    getEmployNumber(input: EmployeeInput): Int!

/** Output:

  input EmployeeInput {
    salary: Float!
    department: String!
    street: String!
    phone: String!
    firstname: String!
    lastname: String!
  extend type Query {
    getEmployNumber(input: EmployeeInput): Int!


Into the wild plus extend enum

const remoteFetchedSchema = `
  input TVShowInput {
    title: String!
    duration: Int!

  input TVShowCastInput {
    castMemberName: String!

  enum TVShows {

  enum BestTVShows {

const newSchema = gqlExtI( remoteFetchedSchema,
  type TvShow {
    title: String!
    duration: Int!
    cast: [String!]!

  TVShowSearchInput extend input TVShowInput, TVShowCastInput {
    tvshow: AllTVShowsEnum

  AllTVShowsEnum extend enum TVShows, BestTVShows {}

  extend type Query {
    searchTVShows(input: TVShowSearchInput): [TVShow]
    getTVShow(input: AllTVShowsEnum) TVShow

/** Output:

  input TVShowSearchInput {
    tvshow: AllTVShowsEnum
    castMemberName: String!
    title: String!
    duration: Int!
  enum AllTVShowsEnum {
  type TvShow {
    title: String!
    duration: Int!
    cast: [String!]!
  extend type Query {
    searchTVShows(input: TVShowSearchInput): [TVShow]
    getTVShow(input: AllTVShowsEnum) TVShow

Work in progress

  • Maybe support extend enum also or maybe that will be for another repo. ✔️
  • More real world examples and tests.

Important note:

Unfortunately I don't do open-source for a living, not that I would mind :), so if you find a bug or have any suggestion to improve this module you're very welcome to contribute.


Supporting `extend input` and `extend enum`







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