Project files for Sapling, a growth-oriented social computing system
Pull project files from GitHub cd into sapling/ Follow the expo installation documentation: (install node.js, git, and watchman) Run npm install Run npm install --global expo-cli if you get an EACCESS permission error, run sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local/lib/node_modules If you've used watchman recently, make sure they are closed (watchman watch-del-all) run expo install Run expo start
git switch -c [NEW_BRANCH_NAME]
This keeps the main branch clean as you experiment with adding different functionality.
Go to toolbar on gitHubDesktop > branch > Update from master
Probably worth it to click “fetch origin” as well
git switch [BRANCH_NAME]
You can open files using any text editor (vim, emacs, visualStudio) In visualStudio, you can change a setting so the command line prompt “code .” opens files
After modifying files, you need to “commit,” “push,” and create a “pull request”: GitHub desktop makes commits really easy: Type out a summary and description of your commit on gitHub desktop, then click “submit”, then click “push to origin”, then click “create pull request". You can also lookup the command line codes for these.