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Merge pull request #362 from danieljprice/moddump-binary
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Set up binary of two stars with sink-particle stellar cores
danieljprice authored Feb 19, 2023
2 parents 0e34887 + eb7e56a commit 87f768f
Showing 1 changed file with 52 additions and 68 deletions.
120 changes: 52 additions & 68 deletions src/utils/moddump_binary.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ subroutine modify_dump(npart,npartoftype,massoftype,xyzh,vxyzu)
use infile_utils, only:open_db_from_file,inopts,read_inopt,close_db
use table_utils, only:yinterp
use rho_profile, only:read_mesa
use dim, only:maxptmass,maxp
use dim, only:maxptmass,maxp,nsinkproperties
use io, only:fatal,idisk1,iprint
use timestep, only:tmax,dtmax
use readwrite_dumps, only:read_dump
@@ -49,13 +49,14 @@ subroutine modify_dump(npart,npartoftype,massoftype,xyzh,vxyzu)
real, intent(inout) :: xyzh(:,:),vxyzu(:,:)
integer :: i,ierr,setup_case,ioption=1,irhomax,n
integer :: iremove = 2
integer :: nstar1,nstar2,nptmass1
integer :: nstar1,nstar2,nptmass1,nptmass2,iprim,isec
real :: primary_mass,companion_mass_1,companion_mass_2,mass_ratio,m1,a,hsoft2,pmass1,pmass2
real :: mass_donor,separation,newCoM,period,m2,primarycore_xpos_old
real :: a1,a2,e,vr,hsoft_default = 3.
real :: hacc1,hacc2,hacc3,hsoft_primary,mcore,comp_shift=100,sink_dist,vel_shift
real :: hacc1,hacc2,hacc3,mcore,comp_shift=100,sink_dist,vel_shift
real :: mcut,rcut,Mstar,radi,rhopart,rhomax = 0.0
real :: time2,hfact2,Rstar
real :: xyzmh1_stash(nsinkproperties),xyzmh2_stash(nsinkproperties),vxyz1_stash(3),vxyz2_stash(3)
real, allocatable :: r(:),den(:),pres(:),temp(:),enitab(:),Xfrac(:),Yfrac(:),m(:)
logical :: corotate_answer,iprimary_grav_ans
character(len=20) :: filename = ''
@@ -168,8 +169,7 @@ subroutine modify_dump(npart,npartoftype,massoftype,xyzh,vxyzu)
! set binary defaults
companion_mass_1 = 0.6
a1 = 100.
e = 0.0
mcore = 0.
e = 0.
hacc1 = 0.
hacc2 = 0.
vr = 0.
@@ -188,15 +188,18 @@ subroutine modify_dump(npart,npartoftype,massoftype,xyzh,vxyzu)
print*, 'Current stellar radius in code units is ', Rstar
call prompt('Enter orbit semi-major axis in code units', a1, 0.)
call prompt('Enter orbit eccentricity', e, 0., 1.)
call prompt('Enter accretion radius for the companion in code units', hacc2, 0.)
call prompt('Enter companion radial velocity', vr)

if (nptmass == 1) then ! there is a sink stellar core
mcore = xyzmh_ptmass(4,1)
nptmass1 = nptmass
if (nptmass1 == 1) then ! there is a sink stellar core
! stash primary sink arrays
xyzmh1_stash(1:nsinkproperties) = xyzmh_ptmass(1:nsinkproperties,1)
vxyz1_stash(1:3) = vxyz_ptmass(1:3,1)
hacc1 = xyzmh_ptmass(ihacc,1)
print*, 'Current accretion radius of primary core is ', hacc1,' code units'
call prompt('Enter accretion radius for the primary core in code units', hacc1, 0.)
hacc2 = 0.
call prompt('Enter accretion radius for the companion in code units', hacc2, 0.)
print*,'Dump contains one sink particle with m=',xyzmh1_stash(4),', hacc=',hacc1,', and hsoft=',xyzmh1_stash(ihsoft)
elseif (nptmass1 > 1) then
call fatal('moddump_binary', 'unexpected number of sink particles in dump file (nptmass > 1)')

corotate_answer = .false.
@@ -205,20 +208,11 @@ subroutine modify_dump(npart,npartoftype,massoftype,xyzh,vxyzu)

!removes the dead or accreted particles for a correct total mass computation
call delete_dead_or_accreted_particles(npart,npartoftype)
print*,' Got ',npart,npartoftype(igas),' after deleting accreted particles'
nstar1 = npart ! stash npart in star 1
print*,' Got ',nstar1,npartoftype(igas),' after deleting accreted particles'

!sets up the binary system orbital parameters
hsoft_primary = 0.
if (nptmass == 1) then
mcore = xyzmh_ptmass(4,1)
hsoft_primary = xyzmh_ptmass(ihsoft,1) ! stash primary core hsoft before calling set_binary, which resets the softening lengths
elseif (nptmass == 0) then
mcore = 0.
call fatal('moddump_binary', 'sink particle not specified (nptmass > 1)')

primary_mass = npartoftype(igas) * massoftype(igas) + mcore
primary_mass = nstar1 * massoftype(igas) + xyzmh1_stash(4)
print*, 'Current primary mass in code units is ',primary_mass

! set the binary
@@ -234,44 +228,31 @@ subroutine modify_dump(npart,npartoftype,massoftype,xyzh,vxyzu)
else ! non corotating frame
call set_binary(primary_mass,companion_mass_1,a1,e,hacc1,hacc2,xyzmh_ptmass,vxyz_ptmass,nptmass,ierr)
! sink no. 2 & 3 are created by "set_binary" in the ptmass arrays
! sink no. 2 & 3 are created by "set_binary" in the ptmass arrays, and nptmass increases by 2

if (nptmass == 3) then ! if original star has a point mass core
!move primary core from pos 2 to 1
xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,1) = xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,2)
vxyz_ptmass(1:3,1) = vxyz_ptmass(1:3,2)

!move companion point mass from pos 3 to 2
xyzmh_ptmass(:,2) = xyzmh_ptmass(:,3)
vxyz_ptmass(1:3,2) = vxyz_ptmass(1:3,3)
vxyz_ptmass(1,2) = vxyz_ptmass(1,2) + vr

if (setup_case == 1) then ! Assume companion should be a sink particle
nptmass = nptmass - 1 ! Delete point mass 3 (duplicate of companion)
elseif (setup_case == 8) then ! Companion does not contain a sink particle and is read from second dumpfile
nptmass = nptmass - 2 ! Delete point masses 2 and 3, leaving just the primary core
if (nptmass1 == 0) then
iprim = 1
isec = 2
elseif (nptmass1 == 1) then
iprim = 2
isec = 3

!takes necessary inputs from user 2 (the softening lengths for the sinks have to be taken in input after using the "set_binary" function since it resets them)
xyzmh_ptmass(ihsoft,1) = hsoft_primary
print*, 'Current softening length of the primary core is ', xyzmh_ptmass(ihsoft,1),' code units'
if (setup_case == 1) call prompt('Enter softening length for companion',xyzmh_ptmass(ihsoft,2),0.)
! Store sink velocity and position in binary orbit
xyzmh1_stash(1:3) = xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,iprim)
vxyz1_stash(1:3) = vxyz_ptmass(1:3,iprim)
xyzmh2_stash(1:3) = xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,isec)
vxyz2_stash(1:3) = vxyz_ptmass(1:3,isec)

elseif (nptmass == 2) then ! if original star is coreless
! Just need to delete both point masses
nptmass = 0
!shifts star 1 gas to the primary sink
do i=1,npart
xyzh(1:3,i) = xyzh(1:3,i) + xyzmh1_stash(1:3)
vxyzu(1:3,i) = vxyzu(1:3,i) + vxyz1_stash(1:3)

if (setup_case == 1) then
!shifts gas to the primary point mass created in 'set_binary'
do i=1,npart
xyzh(1:3,i) = xyzh(1:3,i) + xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,1)
vxyzu(1:3,i) = vxyzu(1:3,i) + vxyz_ptmass(1:3,1)
elseif (setup_case == 8) then
nstar1 = npart ! save npart in star 1
nptmass1 = nptmass ! stash nptmass for dump 1, as read_dumps overwrites it
call prompt('Enter softening length for companion',xyzmh2_stash(ihsoft),0.)
if (setup_case == 8) then
dumpname = ''
call prompt('Enter name of second dumpfile',dumpname)
nstar2 = nstar1
@@ -293,7 +274,9 @@ subroutine modify_dump(npart,npartoftype,massoftype,xyzh,vxyzu)

! read dump file containing star 2
call read_dump(trim(dumpname),time2,hfact2,idisk1+1,iprint,0,1,ierr)
nptmass = nptmass1 + nptmass ! set nptmass to be sum of nptmass in dump 1 and dump 2
nptmass2 = nptmass ! Number of point masses in second dump. Any sink information is overwritten into the first column of sink arrays
xyzmh2_stash(4) = xyzmh_ptmass(4,1)

pmass2 = massoftype(igas)
if (ierr /= 0) call fatal('read_dump','error reading second dump file')
if ( abs(1.-pmass2/pmass1) > 1.e-3) then
@@ -310,19 +293,20 @@ subroutine modify_dump(npart,npartoftype,massoftype,xyzh,vxyzu)

npart = nstar1 + nstar2
npartoftype(igas) = npart

! shift star2 to secondary point mass (deleted)
do i=1,nstar2
xyzh(1:3,i) = xyzh(1:3,i) + xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,2)
vxyzu(1:3,i) = vxyzu(1:3,i) + vxyz_ptmass(1:3,2)
! shift star1 to primary point mass (deleted)
do i=nstar2+1,npart
xyzh(1:3,i) = xyzh(1:3,i) + xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,1)
vxyzu(1:3,i) = vxyzu(1:3,i) + vxyz_ptmass(1:3,1)
! shift star 2 gas to secondary sink
do i=1,nstar2
xyzh(1:3,i) = xyzh(1:3,i) + xyzmh2_stash(1:3)
vxyzu(1:3,i) = vxyzu(1:3,i) + vxyz2_stash(1:3)

nptmass = nptmass1 + nptmass2
xyzmh_ptmass(1:nsinkproperties,1) = xyzmh1_stash(1:nsinkproperties)
xyzmh_ptmass(1:nsinkproperties,2) = xyzmh2_stash(1:nsinkproperties)
vxyz_ptmass(1:3,1) = vxyz1_stash(1:3)
vxyz_ptmass(1:3,2) = vxyz2_stash(1:3)

call reset_centreofmass(npart,xyzh,vxyzu,nptmass,xyzmh_ptmass,vxyz_ptmass)


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