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The task is to create a Twitter-like website. Please read through the document and try to solve the following tasks step-by-step.

  1. Create a small web application that runs completely in the browser.
    • It must be a web-application using react and rxjs.
    • Make sure that the application is build / running locally.
  2. Take the tweets observable and render it as a list
    • Use a Twitter-like structure/style.
    • Order the list by date descending.
    • Do not change the tweets observable.
  3. Tweets older than 30 secs should not be shown in the list anymore.
  4. Add the ability to like and unlike tweets.
    • A liked tweet must look visually different than the other tweets.
    • Above the list of tweets is a counter that shows the number of liked tweets contained within the list.
  5. It must be possible to toggle between "all tweets" and "liked tweets".
  6. It must be possible to clear the list of tweets.
// rxjs is exposed by
const { interval, merge } = rxjs; const { map } = rxjs.operators;
const createTweetSource = (frequency, account, attribute) => { 
  return interval(frequency).pipe(map(i => ({
    content: `${attribute} Tweet number ${i + 1}`

const tweets = merge(
  createTweetSource(5000, 'AwardsDarwin', 'Facepalm'), 
  createTweetSource(3000, 'iamdevloper', 'Expert'), 
  createTweetSource(5000, 'CommitStrip', 'Funny')


run local:

  yarn install
  yarn start

build project:

  yarn install
  yarn build

some notes & trade-offs:

  • I was developing under [email protected] and [email protected] if there should be any issues due to breaking changes in some packages since node@14 (a .nvmrc is also packed).

  • I have tried to style the components according to the system-ui & styled-system specification. But I am not a designer and trying to define meaningful tokens was definitely not my best part here :)

  • I would have liked to implement unit tests for the reducer component but I could not find a good solution to reacts own reducer like I would have done it with them from redux. I could only find an article in which was described to trigger actions and test against the rendered visual output. That seemed a bit strange for me and not like a good workaround. Then I didn't spend more time on it. Due to some time loss in trying I also skipped testing the representational components as I would only generate snapshots of them.

  • I did not find the time to add Storybook and add an example story to it.