Parses the html content in segment directories from Apache nutch using XQuery scripts. What XQuery script that is used for the parsing is based on:
- Domain name
- regexp on the URL path
- XPath on the document (optionally)
This is configured in an XML file.
Note: Maven 3.X is required to build nutch-xquery-parser
Download from
mvn install
To create an eclipse project:
mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadJavadocs=true -DdownloadSources=true
To create a runable jar
mvn package
On a segment directory:
java -jar target/nutch-xquery-parser-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -libjars <conf dir> -D xqueryparser.rules.file=xquery/parse-rules.xml <segment dir(s)> <result dir>
On a sigle URL:
java -cp "<conf dir>:target/nutch-xquery-parser-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar" com.peer2gear.nutch.xquery.XQueryParser <url>