Simple PWA to share newspaper quizzes between friends, including scores and stats
Doppler is used to provide access to secrets, in order to run the app you first need to run
doppler login
doppler setup
If using nixos a flake file is provided to load a shell with all the required dependencies.
nix develop
npm ci
npm run dev
# Perform a local production build
npm run build
# Build a local image tagged with local
docker build -t quizlord-client:local .
# Run local build using the env file
docker run -p 3000:80 --env-file <(doppler secrets download --no-file --format docker) --name=quizlord-client quizlord-client:local
# Cleanup
docker rm quizlord-client && docker image rm quizlord-client:local
- You first to have a local k8s cluster running.
- Ensure doppler is setup with
doppler setup
- Install the doppler operator as described
- Create the doppler token secret
kubectl create secret generic doppler-token-quizlord-client-secret \ --namespace doppler-operator-system \ --from-literal=serviceToken=$(doppler configs tokens create doppler-kubernetes-operator --plain)
- Create the destination namespace with
kubectl create namespace quizlord
- Create the doppler secret with
kubectl apply -f .k8s/doppler-secret.yaml
- Create the registry pull secret
kubectl create secret docker-registry registry-github-quizlord --docker-username=danielemery --docker-password=REPLACE_ME --docker-email="[email protected]" -n quizlord
- Install using local chart
helm install -n quizlord quizlord-client ./helm
- Cleanup
helm uninstall -n quizlord quizlord-client