Create array with 10 objects, each object has the properties:
startedAt (Date)
finishedAt (Date)
tasksGiven (number)
tasksFinished (number)
topic (string)
startedAt: new Date("2021-01-20:13:00")
finishedAt: new Date("2021-01-20:19:00")
tasksGiven: 10
tasksFinished: 7
topic: JavaScript
Calculate and add 2 more properties to each object:
totalTime: number (Difference between finished time to started time)
tasksFinishedPrecent:number (Precent of tasks finished,floored- 83.45% => 83%)
After appending:
startedAt: new Date("2021-01-20:13:00")
finishedAt: new Date("2021-01-20:19:00")
totalTime: 6
tasksGiven: 10
tasksFinished: 7
tasksFinishedPrecent: 70
topic: JavaScript
Then, create an HTML table with the data from the array.
In the table you should:
- Color in 3 different colors the
. Choose 3 ranges and color each one.
For totalTime
for example:
x <= 2 - green
2 < x <= 5 - orange
5 < x - red
For tasksFinishedPrecent
for example:
x <= 50% - light blue
50% < x <= 75% - blue
75% < x - deep blue