Tags: daniele2010/python3-krakenex
[v1.0.0a0] - 2017-07-02 (Sunday) -------------------------------- **Internal alpha testing release!** Not for general use. For that reason, ``pip`` package not provided. Added ^^^^^ * More examples. Changed ^^^^^^^ * Connection now raises ``http.client.HTTPException`` if response doesn't have ``20x`` status code. (`veox#17`_) * Fix new connection thrashing if one is not provided for reuse (as was described in the docs). (`veox#27`_) * Be explicit when using default arguments in functions that have optional ones. (`veox#19`_) * Renamed ``NEWS`` to ``CHANGELOG``. Deprecated ^^^^^^^^^^ * ``krakenex.API.set_connection()`` method. Access ``krakenex.API.conn`` attribute directly. .. _#17: veox#17 .. _#19: veox#19 .. _#27: veox#27