pre-compiled for Ubuntu (x86) so you don't have to compile the rust in order to use the scripts.The code comes from the HuggingFace/Candle-Core tensor-tools example.
Script requires new repo and ssh setup (see below).
The model name in this script will become your output directory for following scripts.
bash init-repo.sh
# On your system
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "comment here"
Add SSH public key to user settings
If you have .bin
(pickle) files first you need to convert them to safetensors in order to quantize.
This requires python:
# Dependencies
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python-is-python3
pip install torch safetensors numpy
# Run script
python scripts/bin2safetensors.py
If you have .safetensors
To make one of each quantization type use:
bash scripts/make-all.sh
To make individual quantization types follow this format:
./tensor-tools quantize --quantization <quant_type> \
<list of .safetensors files> \
--out-file ./Candle_model_<quant_type>.gguf