Audio file steganography. Hides text or files inside audio files and retrieve them automatically. It actually supports only .mp3 and .wav files as inputs, but you can hide whatever kind of file or text on them.
Here is a post about this software.
This project uses CMake to build. So download it before compiling.
> sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
> git clone
> cd AudioStego
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ..
> make
And it should create be a file named hideme
Note: Boost libraries need to be installed to compile
In order to hide a file inside another file
> ./hideme file_used_to_hide_data file_to_hide
Or if you want to hide a string on it
> ./hideme file_used_to_hide_data "'Message to hide'"
(Notice the simple quotation inside double quotes)
Both will output a clone of the file with the hidden data as output.(file extension)
Retrieving hidden data
In order to retrieve a hidden message just set the "-f" or "--find" flag:
> ./hideme [file_with_hidden_data] -f
It will automatically detect wether it's a string or a file and the type of the file itself.
- If it's a file, it will create it as
output.(file extension)
- If it's a string message, it will print it on the console/terminal