Utility library for populating your PopIt instance.
What is PopIt? Check the PopIt site
This node module contains some functions used to interact with PopIt instances.
In particular, it provides a way for inserting large sets of items and also getting all the items in any one of the collections.
npm install popit-toolkit
var Toolkit = require('popit-toolkit');
// Get toolkit instance and set config values:
var toolkit = Toolkit({
host: 'cargografias.popit.mysociety.org',
Apikey: 'yourInstanceApiKey' // optional if not going to write to the api
// To batch insert organizations
var itemsToPost = [];
itemsToPost.push({ name : "Organization 1" });
itemsToPost.push({ name : "Organization 2" });
toolkit.postItems('organizations', itemsToPost).then(
console.log('all requests POSTed to the server');
console.log('error', err);
// progress will contain the server response for each POSTed item. (as string)
// To get all the items in the persons collection
console.log('total persons', persons.length)
console.log('error', err);
console.log(progress); //This will bring information about the number of 'pages' that will be retrieved to get the complete collection.
Insert faster: if you need to insert 2000 records, it can take a while to insert them sequentially. Also, if you open 2000 simultaneous connections time-outs may ocurr. This library will issue 50 simultaneous requests max. Once any of those 50 slots gets freed only then a new request will be sent.
Retrieve faster: the api will list results in a paginated fashion, 200 items per page max. If you want to retrieve all the records in a collection, the naive implementation may request page after page until the has_more
property is false. Instead, this library will calculate the number of pages and request all the pages simultaneously. For long round-trip times, this makes a difference.
This method updates the config values for the instance of the toolkit.
configOptions = {
host: 'cargografias.popit.mysociety.org',
Apikey: 'yourInstanceApiKey' // optional if not going to write to the api
collectionType: can be one of these 4 values -> [ 'persons', 'organizations', 'posts', 'memberships' ]
.postItems(collectionType, itemsToPost).then(successCallback, errorCallback, progressCallack)
.loadAllItems(collectionType).then(successCallback, errorCallback, progressCallack)