Domoticz plugin to control your iRobot Roomba with koalazak/rest980 (
apt-get install npm nodejs
git clone
cd rest980
npm install
nano config/default.json
Type in the right values for your Roomba, should look something like this:
"blid": "1234567890123456",
"password": ":1:1234567890:abcDEFghiJKMnopR",
"robotIP": "",
"firmwareVersion": 2,
and save the config file
see dorita980 for more information and instructions for obtaining blid and password.
Start rest980 forever with with PM2
npm i -g pm2
pm2 startup
pm2 start npm --name "rest980-roomba" -- start
pm2 save
check if everything works fine
wget > /dev/null
if your roomba started cleanig, you can install the plugin now.
cd domoticz/plugins
git clone
systemctl restart domoticz
If you installed rest980 on the same machnie as domoticz, you can leave the default plugin settings, otherwise, type in the IP adress of the machnie you installed rest980 on.