Hubitat Device Handlers
Sonoff iFan03 New Instructions:
- Flash iFan03 with the Tasmota firmware Sonoff.generic.bin that is on my github
- Add the Sonoff-Tasmota iFan03 DH to Hubitat
- Add a Vitual Device and set the IP address
OLD Instructions: How to use the Sonoff iFan03 Device Handler
- Flash iFan03 with the Tasmota 6.5 or later
- Open Tasmota configuration
- Open Configure Other
- Set Template to {"NAME":"Sonoff iFan03","GPIO":[17,255,0,255,0,0,29,33,23,56,22,24,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":44}
- Check Template Active and Save
- Add the Sonoff-Tasmota iFan03 DH to Hubitat
- Add a Vitual Device and set the IP address