On this work, we present how a feature extraction algorithm known as Common Spatial Patterns (CSP) used widely in electroencephalography (EEG) classifications can be used to characterize whether given (H1, L1) strain pair contains a catalouged gravitational event.
The strains and timestamps for the catalogued events are provided by GW Open Science Collaboration (GWOSC). For a baseline, we will use the same strains, except at random, non-overlapping timestamps.
>>> len(event_epochs)
>>> len(noise_epochs)
>>> X = event_epochs + noise_epochs
contains H1 strain cropped to [-16s, +16s] around catalouged timestamp.
contains L1 strain cropped to [-16s, +16s] around catalouged timestamp.
>>> X[0][0].sample_rate
>>> len(X[0][0])
On Notebook 1, we download these events from H1 (LIGO Hanford) and L1 (LIGO Livingston) interferometers at 4096 Hz and trim them to [-16s, 16s] around their event timestamps.
On Notebook 2, we will generate noise strains.
On Notebook , we will build a machine learning pipeline involving signal
processing (Whitening + bandpass at 30-400 Hz), feature extraction using CSP, and different classifier
pipelines and run them using 10x5 cross-validation over 21 sliding windows (start=-1.0s, length=0.3s,
jump=0.1s). We compute the classification accuracy.
On Notebook , we analyze the classification accuracy and evaluate
the performance of our best classifier.
Finally, we will evaluate the performance of multiple classification pipelines.
(Signal Filter + CSP + Support Vector Machine)csp_svm_nosigfilt
(CSP + SVM)csp_lda
(Signal Filter + CSP + Linear Descriminant Analysis)csp_lda_nosigfilt
(CSP + Linear Descriminant Analysis)
Peak classification accuracy using csp_svm: 0.8529365079365079
Peak classification accuracy using csp_svm_nosigfilt: 0.53
Peak classification accuracy using csp_lda: 0.8398571428571429
Peak classification accuracy using csp_lda_nosigfilt: 0.46750793650793654
The peak classification accuracy was given by csp_svm
at 85.29%.
When plotting the SNRs and prediction of the events (coalescenses), we get the following diagram.
Clearly, the errors of our classifier are for events with SNR <= 11. This will the continuated line of study in our work.
We plot the sensitivity of the csp_svm
classifier against SNRs for catalouged events provided by
GWOSC, rounded to nearest integer.
(for CSP)pandas
Damodar Dahal [email protected] [email protected]
LIGO Strain Data provided by GWOSC (https://gw-openscience.org)