=== Tracking Info to WooCommerce order === Requires at least: 6.5 Tested up to: 6.6.2 Requires PHP: 7.4 Stable tag: 0.10.20241112 License: GPLv2 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Everything you need to launch an online store in days and keep it growing for years. From your first sale to millions in revenue, Woo is with you.
== Description ==
Use a custom metabox to add tracking information to WooCommerce orders. The information is then added to the "Completed Order" email.
Development occurs on Github, and all contributions welcome.
If you are looking to provide language translation files, please contact me
This is really a note for me, the developer.
- I18n docs at: How to Internationalize Your Plugin
- POT file generated by WordPress Plugin POT Generator
- Poedit Translation Editor use to create po and mo files.