Releases: dalibo/pandocker
Pandocker 24.05: Simplification
Release 24.05
What's Changed
- Fix for Dockerfile smell DL4006 by @grosa1 in #269
- Bump pygments from 2.13 to 2.15.0 by @dependabot in #272
- Update to pandoc 3.2 by @daamien in #277
- Use Github Action to publish the images by @daamien in #280
- Fix CI status badge in by @PeterDaveHello in #281
- Release 24.05 by @daamien in #283
New Contributors
- @grosa1 made their first contribution in #269
- @PeterDaveHello made their first contribution in #281
Full Changelog: 23.03...24.05
Pandocker 23.03: Maintenance Release
Merge pull request #265 from dalibo/release_2303 Release 23.03
Pandocker 23.01: Maintenance version
Merge pull request #260 from dalibo/258-release-2301 Release 23.01
Pandocker 22.12: Major upgrade
Paris, Decembrer 19, 2022
What is this ?
Pandocker is a docker image containing a complete document production toolchain
based on pandoc
with filters, templates, fonts, and the latex bazaar
It allows you to generate slides and documents without installing the required
depencies on your machine. It is also very usefull to integrate pandoc into
a CI workflow such as Github Actions, Gitlab Pipelines, etc.
For instance to generate an EPUB file from a markdown source, you can simply
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/pandoc dalibo/pandocker -o test.epub
This image is available under BSD Licence and it has 4 main tags:
should be used in productionstable-full
for non-european languageslatest
are the development versions
You can also retrieve older versions by their version number:
, dalibo/pandocker:21.02-full
, etc.
For more details :
- Github :
- Docker Hub :
Major version upgrades
This new version brings major updates for all its basic components:
- Switch from Debian 10 buster to Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy
- Upgrade to pandoc 2.19
- Upgrade from TexLive 2016 to TexLive 2022
- Upgrade for many python filters
The alpine
, buster
and bullseye
tags are now obsolete.
With so many new versions on each key part of the image, this new release
may introduce regressions on your own document toolchain, please be careful
when upgrading and open an issue to let us know if you encouter any problem.
How to upgrade
docker pull dalibo/pandocker:stable
How to contribute
Pandocker is an open project, contributions are welcome.
If you want to help, you can find a list of "Junior Jobs" here:
Pandocker 22.03: awesomebox + fontawesome
Paris, March 16th, 2022
What is this ?
Pandocker is a docker image containing a complete document production toolchain
based on pandoc
with filters, templates, fonts, and the latex bazaar
It allows you to generate slides and documents without installing the required
depencies on your machine. It is also very usefull to integrate pandoc into
a CI workflow such as Github Actions, Gitlab Pipelines, etc.
For instance to generate an EPUB file from a markdown source, you can simply
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/pandoc dalibo/pandocker -o test.epub
This image is available under BSD Licence and it has 4 main tags:
should be used in productionstable-full
for non-european languageslatest
are the development versions
You can also retrieve older versions by their version number:
, dalibo/pandocker:21.02-full
, etc.
For more details :
- Github :
- Docker Hub :
awesomebox + fontawesome
This new version brings a new package called awesomebox
. Along with the
font and the pandoc-latex-environment
filter, it allows users
to add "boxes" in the pdf documents.
Here's a basic example
- |
warningblock: [warning]
Boxes with awesomebox
This is a normal paragraph.
::: warning
ATTENTION: This is a warning box !
You can see the result below:
How to upgrade
docker pull dalibo/pandocker:stable
How to contribute
Pandocker is an open project, contributions are welcome.
If you want to help, you can find a list of "Junior Jobs" here:
Pandocker 21.02: Major upgrade
Paris, March 1rst, 2021
What is this ?
Pandocker is a docker image containing a complete document production toolchain
based on pandoc
with filters, templates, fonts, and the latex bazaar
It allows you to generate slides and documents without installing the required
depencies on your machine. It is also very usefull to integrate pandoc into
a CI workflow such as Github Actions, Gitlab Pipelines, etc.
For instance to generate an EPUB file from a markdown source, you can simply
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/pandoc dalibo/pandocker -o test.epub
This image is available under BSD Licence and it has 2 main tags:
should be used in productionstable-full
for non-european languageslatest
are the development versions
You can also retrieve older versions by their version number:
, dalibo/pandocker:21.02-full
, etc.
For more details :
- Github :
- Docker Hub :
Major Upgrades
This new version is now based on Debian 10 buster (instead of Stretch) with
pandoc 2.11 and the version 2.0 of the eisvogel template. We have done careful
regression tests but these changes may introduce minor changes in the rendered
output of your documents. Please open a ticket if you notice a problematic
Support for Arabic, Persian, Hindi and CJK languages
The docker image has now a new variant named full
that will included
non-european fonts, especially the complete Noto font. This font family is
designed to support all languages.
We also included latex font packages such as devanagari for Hindi and
farsiweb for Persian. Right-to-Left typesetting is also supported.
To use these fonts, you can simply define the mainfont
variable inside the
markdown front-matter or via the pandoc command line with the -v
option) :
docker run [...] dalibo/pandocker [...] -o hindi.pdf -v mainfont='Lohit Devanagari'
For Noto:
docker run [...] dalibo/pandocker [...] -o foo.pdf -v mainfont='Noto Sans'
docker image size is approx. 800MB whereas the regular
is "only" 320 MB. We recommend that you use the full
variant only when needed
and prefer the regular variant for basic use cases.
The support for Hindi and Persian was sponsored by the OWASP Foundation. Many
thanks to them ! Many thanks also to @iapellaniz and @vvishnyakov who contributed
to the release.
How to upgrade
docker pull dalibo/pandocker:stable
How to contribute
Pandocker is an open project, contributions are welcome.
If you want to help, you can find a list of "Junior Jobs" here:
Pandocker 20.02, the palindrome edition !
Paris, February 5th, 2020
What is this ?
Pandocker is a docker image containing a complete document production toolchain
based on pandoc
with filters, templates, fonts, and the latex bazaar
It allows you to generate slides and documents without installing the required
depencies on your machine.
For instance to generate an EPUB file from a markdown source, you can simply
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/pandoc dalibo/pandocker -o test.epub
This image is available under BSD Licence and it has 2 main tags:
should be used in production ( = 20.20 )dalibo/pandocker:latest
is the development version
You can also retrieve older versions by their version number:
, dalibo/pandocker:19.11
, etc.
For more details :
- Github :
- Docker Hub :
More templates, more fonts, more filters, more langs
This is new version brings several new items:
- 2 more filters: pandoc-crossref and pandoc-citeproc
- 2 more templates: leaflet and letter
- 2 more fonts: Noto and Deja-Vu
- All european languages are now supported
There's also some improvements on the existing tools:
- Pandoc has been updated to 2.9
- The [eisvogel] template has been upgraded to 1.4
Many thanks to @colindean and @DigitalTravelDuck for their contributions to these
features !
Using pandocker with pipes
It is now possible to run the pandocker image as a 'black box' by passing the
source file through a pipe and collecting the result on the standard output.
For example:
$ cat | docker run --rm -i dalibo/pandocker -t pdf > foo.pdf
This is useful if you want to use pandocker in a stream or when you don't want
to mount a docker volume. However, this method will not work if the source
document contains images or includes external files...
How to upgrade
docker pull dalibo/pandocker:stable
If you installed the toolchain locally, please read:
How to contribute
Pandocker is an open project, contributions are welcome.
If you want to help, you can find a list of "Junior Jobs" here:
Pandocker 19.11 is out !
Paris, november 12
What is this ?
Pandocker is a docker image containing a complete document production toolchain.
It allows you to generate slides and documents using pandoc
, but without
installing the required depencies on your machine.
For instance to generate an EPUB file from a markdown source, you can simply
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/pandoc dalibo/pandocker -o test.epub
This image is available under BSD Licence and it is designed to work without
specific templates.
The project has 2 main branchs:
should be used in production ( = 19.11 )dalibo/pandocker:latest
is the development version
You can also retrieve images by their version number : dalibo/pandocker:18.03
, etc.
For more details :
- Github :
- Docker Hub :
This is a maintenance release
This is version brings very few changes. The version of Pandoc has been updated
and the embbeded template ([eisvogel]) has been upgraded too.
How to upgrade
docker pull dalibo/pandocker:stable
If you installed the toolchain locally, please read:
How to contribute
Pandocker is an open project, contributions are welcome.
If you want to help, you can find a list of "Junior Jobs" here:
Include code blocks and convert dia files !
Include code blocks into your documents
You can now import code for an external file with this simple syntax :
``` { .sql include=query1.sql}
To use this plugin, just add --filter pandoc-codeblock-include
to the command line.
For more details about this filter, check out pandoc-codeblock-include.
You can now convert dia
files to SVG or PNG with the command line below:
$ docker run [...] --entrypoint dia dalibo/pandocker foo.dia -e foo.svg
Include files into your documents
What's new in version 19.05 ?
You can now import content for an external markdown file with this simple
syntax :
!include relative_path/
To use this plugin, just add --filter pandoc-include
to the command line.
For more details about this filter, check out pandoc-include.
Many thanks to @misamura who submitted this feature !