based on react-boilerplate - Boilerplate for "SurviveJS - React"
To run app: npm start
OK - worker is working now, computing something when the component first appears, and when the user clicks on the component.
ArrayBuffer and Uint32Array are working in this version with the addition of a 'globals' section to .eslintrc, I still don't know if babel-polyfill is required for some browsers, but current version works in the latest for firefox & chrome on mac. Comment directly below about polyfill black magic still applies.
- in general, I haven't found any decent doc on polyfilling - it seems to be a thing that some people know about but I have no idea how
to learn the secret - it's just black magic to me. The world could use some clear ground-up doc on how to do fix things up when babel falls over
- in general, I haven't found any decent doc on polyfilling - it seems to be a thing that some people know about but I have no idea how
To use the worker, in the last version I did: var Worker = require('worker!./Worker.js');
In this version, loading is working using an es6 "import" statement and the webpack worker-loader.
Now on to including es6-style imports in the worker file itself. This is supposed to work, and is advertised in the worker-loader webpage ( I split out the fibonacci calculation into its own class in a new /utils directory, just to demo the capability. The import fails with this error: SyntaxError: import declarations may only appear at top level of a module I tried including the babel loader a few different ways to work with the worker loader, but couldn't find the formula to fix the error.
Still todo:
- I was having a problem with reusing ArrayBuffer - it seems like you can only create a buffer, pass it to a worker, and have it passed back once. I tried to use one repeatedly, and got a javascript error - "An ArrayBuffer is neutered and could not be cloned"