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Code for the Paper:

Zhongxiang Dai, Kian Hsiang Low and Patrick Jaillet. "Federated Bayesian Optimization via Thompson Sampling." In 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS-20), Dec 6-12, 2020.

The code here is for the Landmine Detection real-world experiment (see Section 5.2 of the main paper).

Description of the landmine detection dataset

The dataset "LandmineData.mat" can also be downloaded from LandmineData.mat contains two 1-by-29 cell arrays "feature" and "label". Each cell of the cell arrays corresponds to one task. Each cell of "feature" is an N_m-by-9 data matrix, where N_m is the number of samples for task m, m=1,...,29, i.e., each sample is described by a 9-dimensional feature vector, stored in the corresponding row of the data matrix. Each cell of "label" is an N_m-dimensional binary vector.


The required packages include:

  1. standard packages such as scipy, numpy, sklearn, etc.
  2. GPy: pip install GPy
  3. (optional) scipydirect: this package is needed only if you want to use the DIRECT method to optimize the acquisition function (if you do, please set "USE_DIRECT_OPTIMIZER = True" in the script ""). Otherwise, the acquisition function is optimized using L-BFGS with multiple random restarts. To install it to run our code:
    1. install scipydirect: pip install scipydirect
    2. replace the content of the script "PYTHON_PATH/lib/python3.5/site-packages/scipydirect/" with the content of the script "" in the "requirements" directory; this step is needed since we modified the interface of the scipydirect minimize function to make it usable by our acquisition function.

Instructions for Pre-processing and Algorithm Evaluation

Pre-process landmine detection data


This script converts the landmine detection dataset into a format that can be readily used to run BO algorithms. Specifically, for each landmine, we use 50% of the data as the training set, and the remaining 50% as the validation set which we use to evaluate and report the performance.

Run standard BO (Thompson sampling)


Firstly, this script runs a standard BO task (using Thompson sampling) for each agent; the resulted BO observations (input-output pairs) will be used by each agent to generate the message to be passed to the target agent. Secondly, for each of the first 6 agents, we run 5 independent standard BO (TS) tasks, which are used for comparison with other algorithms.

Generate agent information


For each agent, the agent firstly fits a GP surrogate using its BO observations (generated by running the script ""), then applies RFF approximation, and then saves the RFF parameters to be passed as the message to the target agent. For FTS, the saved information is a sample from the posteiror distribution of formula (Equation 2 in the main paper); for RGPE and TAF, the saved parameters include both formula and formula (inverted) from each agent; in addition, for TAF, the incumbent value (i.e., the currently observed maximum output value) is additionally saved.

Run federated BO algorithms


This script runs our FTS algorithm. In addition, it can also run the RGPE and TAF algorithms adapted for the FBO setting.



This IPython notebook plots the results for the landmine detection experiment, i.e., Figures 2 & 3.


Code for the NeurIPS 2020 paper: "Federated Bayesian Optimization via Thompson Sampling"







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