This is a game where the player is challenged to guess 12 different hip hop artists by typing in letters while the game is active. When the player presses a key (A-Z), the game will check to see if that letter is in the current hip hop artist. If the guess was correct the letter is revealed and the player can guess again. If the guess was incorrect, the player will lose a guess and the letter will be added to a list of letters already guessed. This will continue unitl the player has correctly guessed every artist, or until they run out of guesses.
In easy mode, a portion of the album art associated with the artist will be revealed with each correct guess. The player is also given more bonus guesses for each artist they guess correctly.
In hard mode, the album art will remain totally hidden until the player fully guesses the artist. Additionally, the player gains less bonus guesses for each artist, and is capped at a lower maximum guesses.
When the player finshes guessing an artist, they will be able to play a song from one of their albums.