Fine tuning and training scripts for "Few-shot fine-tuning SOTA summarization models for medical dialogues"
This scripts are to be used with Huggingface implemmentation of transformers.
"" allows to process longer medical dialogues and split them into short sequences for training.
To use the training scripts, please install from source the Transformers Python Library as indicated here:
The training scripts are based on the default Hugginface Transformers (Examples) summarization tasks.
Please note that due to out of memory errors on T5 model this were trained without CUDA. It can be used with CUDA too but would require (most likely) using some optimizations to decrease memory usage.
BART and PEGASUS were trained using CUDA.
This implemmentation have been tested using Amazon AWS cloud both for CUDA and Non-CUDA training.
Please note that this model(s) were trained using a .csv file containing two columns, one for the "dialogue" and another for the "summary". You will need to adjust it to your particular dataset, if user wants to retrain. Additional headings need to be added for the T5 version training to work properly as shown in ""
Model(s) can be used out the box to summarize clinical dialogue text with the provided python script. (Requires Huggingface Transformers installed) Please see: for Installation guide.
The "" and "" will produce summaries when used with the provided models available in Huggingface platform.
This work was presented at the 2022 SRW NAACL Conference in Seattle, US.
"Few-shot fine-tuning SOTA summarization models for medical dialogues David Fraile Navarro, Mark Dras, Shlomo Berkovsky"
Paper can be found here:
Models are available for download at the Hugginface Transformers platform:
Due to limitations in our ethics' approval the dataset that was used for training could not be released.
Any enquiries please contact me at [email protected]
David Fraile Navarro (2022) Macquarie University Sydney, Australia