What is private.js?
Private.js is a JavaScript library that allows you to work with 'private' variables and methods withing JavaScript classes. The library is compatible with browsers and server-side javascript (for example node.js).
The library respects the following best-practices/conventions:
- Adheres to 'use strict'.
- Uses prototypes - does NOT re-create methods per instance.
- Is fully documented with JSDoc and a MarkDown reference.
- Follows the _underscore notation convention for private variables in JavaScript
- Exposes a DSL for convenience.
- Respects 'this' contract even within private scope.
- Fully unit-tested (using nodeunit).
You can find the documentation here.
As nothing can tell you more than an example, here is one:
var Private = require('private').Private;
// If using Node.JS only:
// var util = require('util'); // Node.JS only
var MyClass = function(){
Private.call(this); // Extend the Private class (and call the super constructor).
// Initialize a private variable. This corresponds to this._privates
Private(this).setValue('Some private value');
MyClass.prototype = Object.create(Private.prototype); // Extend the prototype
// Or using Node.JS style:
// util.inherits(MyClass, Private);
// Public getValue method with access to private variables (style 1):
MyClass.prototype.getValue = Private.hasAccess(function(privates){
return privates.myValue;
// Invocation of the getValue method is transparent (as the privates are injected):
MyClass.prototype.toString = function(){
// Invoke the getValue method - without parameters!
return this.getValue();
// Or, the alternative - without parameter injection (style 2):
MyClass.prototype.getValue2 = function(){
// Or access the private value directly, through Private(...).
return Private(this).myValue;
// Declare the Private method setValue:
MyClass.prototype.privateMethod('setValue',function(privates, value){
privates.myValue = value;
// Private method toJSON:
MyClass.prototype.privateMethod('toJSON', function(privates){
// Note that 'this' within this context is the instance of MyClass, NOT the privates.
return JSON.stringify(this); // JSON stringification will NOT include the privates.
Copyright (C) 2012 by Daan Kets, Blackbit Consulting
This library by Daan Kets - Blackbit Consulting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. You may use this library even within a commercial product as long as you attribute to the original source. You may created derived work as long as you give back your modifications to the orignal source.