To try it out, please use the Please don't spread too much, aptus might know their shit and I don't want to get in trouble for excessive use.
The main application can be visited at and the api can be found at
This will work with other CSB doors as well. Right now it is hard coded for the B door (if you use the example down below) but the production build has ability to open both doors.
- Provide the following environment variables:
LOG=<your personal number>
,PASSWORD=<your password to CSB>
- Run
CSB_URL= APTUS_URL= LOG=<your password to CSB> PASSWORD=<your password to CSB> node -e "require('alohomora/src/services/unlock.service.js').unlockDoor()"
The frontend application uses React and can be found in frontend/.
Open both 7A and 7BAuthentication needed to open door(s)- This is just essentially so that only "trusted" persons can open the doors. Have been getting complaints that it is unsafe (which is true) so I figured making a simple password to access the opening function should work just fine.