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This shows a "bug" within karma-webpack when used with global variabels / e.g. custom elements registry.

Each test file get's bundled individually but placed in a single browser window.

What happens

  1. foo-one has a test file
  2. load bundle one
  3. foo-one gets registered
  4. all good
  5. foo-two has a test file
  6. load bundle two
  7. has a has a dependency on foo-one
  8. foo one is included (again) in bundle (as bundles are created in isolation)
  9. => ERROR Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': this name has already been used with this registry

Steps to Reproduce

npm install
npm run test

possible Solutions

These are mere ideas to spark a conversation:

1) manually create a single entry point

Besides the *.test.js files have also an index.js


  • easily doable
  • no change in karma-webpack needed


  • can't load individual test files
  • cumbersome => need to add file + add to index.js
  • not really sadisfying Developer Experience

2) treat it as "Multi Page Application"

Use to create bundles that know of each other. E.g. do not create bundles in isolation.


  • easy
  • can load individual test files
  • just "works" and therfore sadisfying Developer Experience
  • smaller test bundles


  • change in karma-webpack needed


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