MagicMirror MichMich module to display transportation information for Paris (bus, metro, tramway, RER, autolib & velib) and rain risk in the coming hour for a configured list of stations/ destinations.
Forked from MMM-HH-LocalTransport see more detailed information on georg90 blog.
A module to display:
- the different buses, metros, rers & tramways, in order to avoid waiting too much for them when leaving home.
- general traffic information for lines of metros, rers & tramways
- available autolib, utilib, and station spaces, charging slots
- available velib (bike, eBike and dock)
- rain in the coming hour (as per Meteo France)
It is based on the open REST API from Pierre Grimaud, which does not require any configuration / registration. It uses a non documented API from Meteo meteofrance for the rain within an hour prediction It uses the Open Data from Paris City for Autolib, and Velib
- Clone repository into
inside your MagicMirror folder. - Run
npm install
folder - Add the module to the MagicMirror config
module: 'MMM-Paris-RATP-PG',
position: 'bottom_right',
header: 'Connections',
config: {
Becareful, configuration changes will only be taken in account once the server side (not only the browser) is restarted. Three different kind of objects are in the configuration:
- lines: an array that contains an object describing each line to be presented by the modules
- other elements are global to the module ##lines array
- each line has a type, and each type might have different parameters
- type: mandatory, value in [buses, rers, metros, tramway]
- line: mandatory, typical value: 28 or 'A'... check exact value with:,,,
- stations: mandatory: [name of the station] -> found with{type}/{line}
- destination: mandatory, either 'A' or 'R'
As destinations do not reveal all the stops for an rer, this allow to filter on code (see
- mission1: optional, array of letters ['A', 'E'], default is absent = no filtering //keep only rers for which the first letter is present in the array
- mission2: optional, array of letters, default is absent = no filtering //keep only rers for which the second letter is present in the array
- type: mandatory: traffic
- line: mandatory, based on set the line as: [type, line], such as: ['metros', 6], ['rers', 'A']...
- hideTraffic: optional, array of string, if a traffic status belongs to the array, then the traffic is not shown (see the example for usage)
- maximumEntries: optional, int, default = 2, //if the APIs sends several results for the incoming transport how many should be displayed
- converToWaitingTime: optional, boolean, default = true, // messages received from API can be 'hh:mm' in that case convert it in the waiting time 'x mn'
- maxLettersForDestination: optional, int, default = 22, //will limit the length of the destination string
- concatenateArrivals: optional, boolean, default = true, //if for a transport there is the same destination and several times, they will be displayed on one line
- type: mandatory: autolib
- name: mandatory: public name of the station (check )
- utilib: optional: boolean: if false: the utilib are aggregated with the bluecar, if true: all three type of cars are detailed
- backup: optional: public name of the station to backup. If that station (set in backup) is empty (no cars - utilib or not), then only this line is displayed. A use case would be: display this station status only if that other station (nearest to me) is empty. The station (set in backup) should be in the lines before (else there might be a delay in displaying the line).
- type: mandatory: velib
- stationId: mandatory: digits: please check the station number from the velib application, then you can check if it works out by putting it at the end of the URL: For example: Cassini - Denfer-Rochereau is shown as "14111", and therefore:
- keepVelibHistory: optional: boolean: if true, keeps locally in the browser a day of data regarding the station (to be used if velibGraph is set to true later on)
- velibGraph: optional: boolean: shows a graph of velib count for the last day (give an idea of the trend), eBike in blue, total in white
- type: mandatory: pluie
- place: mandatory: integer, example: 751140, take the id from the object returned by: (change 75014 by your postal code)
- pluieAsText: optional, boolean, default = false, // show the weather in the coming hour as text and not icons
- iconSize: optional, example: 0.70, //set the em for the weather icon (each icon is 5 minutes: i.e. there's 12 icons for an hour)
- common means: not shared value, but meaningful for all the lines
- label: optional: to rename the object differently if needed
- updateInterval: optional, int, default: 60000, time in ms between pulling request for new times (update request)
- showUpdateAge: optional, boolean, default = true, //add a circled integer such as ①② next to the line name showing the tenths digits of of seconds elapsed since update.
- firstCellColor: optional, color name, // typically first column of the line (superseed the line color): or wikipedia can give you insights
- lineColor: optional, color name, //set the color of the line
- maxLetters: optional, number, default = 70, will limit the string length for traffic and messages
- debug: false, //console.log more things to help debugging
- reorder: optional, boolean, default = false, //option to reorder the RERs schedule (sometimes they are not sent in coming order, but it seems rare)
- lineDefault contains properties that will be common to all lines, but can be superseed at the line level also: so any property from the line, can be set here also, but the following ones, make more sense here also:
- conversion: object of key/ values to convert traffic message or destination. Those message can be very long (and limited through maxLetters also), and it might worth to convert them in a simpler text. by default:
- conversion: {"Trafic normal sur l'ensemble de la ligne." : 'Traffic normal'}
- don't hesitate to add more when there's works on a specific line or others...
- updateInterval: see above
Config Example:
config: {
debug: false,
lineDefault: {
hideTraffic: [
"le trafic est interrompu entre Aulnay et Aeroport Charles de Gaulle 2 TGV de 23:00 à fin de service jusqu'au 16/03/18. Bus de remplacement à dispo. (travaux de modernisation)",
"Trafic normal sur l'ensemble de la ligne.",
"le trafic est interrompu entre Nanterre-Prefecture et Cergy/ Poissy de 21:30 à fin de service jusqu'au 16/02/18. Bus de remplacement à dispo. (travaux)",
conversion: { "Trafic normal sur l'ensemble de la ligne." : 'Traffic normal'},
updateInterval: 1 * 2 * 60 * 1000,
lines: [
{type: 'buses', line: 38, stations: 'observatoire+++port+royal', destination: 'A', firstCellColor: '#0055c8'},
{type: 'buses', line: 91, stations: 'observatoire+++port+royal', destination: 'A', firstCellColor: '#dc9600'},
{type: 'buses', line: 91, stations: 'observatoire+++port+royal', destination: 'R', firstCellColor: '#dc9600', lineColor: 'Brown'},
{type: 'rers', line: 'B', stations: 'port+royal', destination: 'A', label: 'B', firstCellColor: '#7BA3DC'},
{type: 'traffic', line: ['rers', 'B'], firstCellColor: 'Blue', lineColor: 'green'},
{type: 'metros', line: '6', stations: 'raspail', destination: 'A', label: '6', firstCellColor: '#6ECA97'},
// {type: 'pluie', place: '751140', updateInterval: 1 * 5 * 60 * 1000, label: 'Paris', iconSize: 0.70}, //not working as of sept 2020
// {type: 'autolib', name: 'Paris/Henri%20Barbusse/66', label: 'Barbusse', lineColor: 'green'},
// {type: 'autolib', name: 'Paris/Michelet/6', label: 'Michelet', utilib: true, backup: 'Paris/Henri%20Barbusse/66'},
{type: 'velib', stationId: 14111, label: 'Cassini', velibGraph : false, keepVelibHistory: true},
{type: 'velib', stationId: 6018, label: 'Assas', velibGraph: true, keepVelibHistory: true},