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Delton Hughes edited this page Apr 29, 2023 · 1 revision


Definition: Is a function within a class that manipulates the member variables and/or allows the user to use a the created structure in a variety of ways. Code Example:

void pushFront(int val) {
    Node *temp = new Node(val);
    if (head == NULL) {          //when head equals null
      head = temp;
    } else {                     
      temp->next = head;         //The next two lines:
      head->prev = temp;         //These connect the nodes so we 
      head = temp;               //do not lose the data (stitches together)
    size++;                      //increment count
  • Each term will have as follows: -> A definition on the term -> A code example some being in great detail if needed, for example a class example is going to be longer than a member variable. -> Lastly, a picture which in some way relates to the term but may also relate to other terms as well.
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