ipx800-python is a Python3 Library for controlling GCE-Electronics IPX800 V4 via its public API.
# Setup IPX800 V4
host = "yourhostname.lan"
port = 80
apiKey = "YourAPIKey"
ipx = IPX800(host, port, apiKey)
# Setup Relays you want to control
enabled_relays = [1, 2, 15]
r_conf = IPXRelaysConfig(enabled_relays)
# Retrieve a specific relay in the list
# here r15 is a instance of 'Relay' class nested in 'IPX800' class
r15 = ipx.relays['R15']
# We now create a instance of IPXRelay
relay = IPXRelay(ipx, r15.number, r15.name)
# Request relay state from the server
# Turn on the relay (close it)
print("Relay %d aka <%s> state is %d" % (relay.number, relay.name, relay.is_on))
# Wait 2 seconds
# Turn off the relay (open it)
print("Relay %d aka <%s> state is %d" % (relay.number, relay.name, relay.is_on))
# Setup PWM Channels
# /!\ Some XPWM functions are not accessible via json API
# So we use CGI api that require username and password
username = "username"
password = "yourPassword"
enabled_pwm_channels = [1, 2, 3, 4]
pwm_conf = IPXPwmConfig(username, password, enabled_pwm_channels)
# Retrieve a specific PWM channel in the list
# here pwm1 is a instance of 'PWM' class nested in 'IPX800' class
pwm1 = ipx.pwm_channels['PWM1']
# Instanciate an IPXPwmChannel
ch1 = IPXPwmChannel(ipx, pwm1.number)
# Request current power value of the PWM Channel
# Turn PWM Channel on at 100%
# Set power of the PWM channel to 30%
# Turn the PWM Channel off
# You can turn PWM channel on without power value
# It will take the last value OR 100 if the last value was 0
- Control IPX800 relays and X8R extension
- Control light brightness via XPWM extension module
- Control roller shutters via X4VR extension module
- Control pilot wire extension
- Request XHTL sensor values
- Request digital input values
- Request analog input value
- ... Control all other extensions modules
/!\ This code is still under development an test. This is my first Python code so I'm not sure doing everything right. Feel free to comment and contribure !